Preseason Games Are Important
August 14th, 2010
Joe believes only a kicker can get overly excited about preseason football. Woody Cummings and eye-RAH! Kaufman disagree.
There was all sorts of football on the NFL Network last night and this morning and Joe didn’t watch much. No one loves football more than Joe but preseason football, eh, Joe can’t get into it.
It’s hard for Joe to get worked up, unless it’s the Bucs, with football played between guys who by the end of the month will be delivering Pepsi and selling aluminum siding.
Woody Cummings and eye-RAH! Kaufman of the Tampa Tribune are of a different mindset. The duo, in the latest TBO Bucs vlog, explain why this preseason is vital to the Bucs in a number of ways, both on and off the field.
Kaufman may have uttered the best quote of the preseason when, referring to Bucs wide receiver Sammie Stroughter experiencing only three wins in his rookie season, “You have to show him the other side of midnight.”
August 14th, 2010 at 5:08 pm
this picture is hillarious.