Will Team Glazer Smile, Sign And Schmooze?
June 10th, 2010With the popular Bucs FanFest just nine days away, some are wondering whether Team Glazer will emerge from its cone of silence to glad hand the unwashed masses at the C.I.T.S. (aka the community investment tax stadium some call Raymond James).
Joe would be surprised to see it. But the Glazers have done it before, and they were much more visible during the glory years of the franchise.
Tampa Tribune scribe eye-RAH! Kaufman thinks it’s important for Team Glazer to be there mingling with fans next week, so he told The Fabulous Sports Babe on 1040 AM yesterday.
eye-RAH! Kaufman: You got FanFest coming up, Babe. It’s at night this time. And we’ll see if the Glazers are sitting down next to Raheem and Dominik signing autographs. I’m very curious to see whether they show up at FanFest.
The Fabulous Sports Babe: Do they usually show up at FanFest?
Kaufman: They have multiple times. I’ve seen them there. The last year or two I don’t believe I’ve seen them there. I think it’s an important statement to make.
Joe thinks it makes no difference in the world whether the Glazers show up or not. Fans don’t care, although Joe would love to sell a picture of Bucs fans embracing Team Glazer to a British tabloid for five figures.
Joe can see the headline now: “Glazers Dupe Foolish Americans”
Kaufman is not alone in the media when it comes to thinking the Glazers should be visible at FanFest. The oft-clueless St. Pete Times columnist John Romano lived up to his reputation by taking it all a step further saying the Glazers should step up to a podium and proverbially drop their pants.
So here’s a thought:
Try being honest.
The Glazers should show up at FanFest 11 days from now and actually answer unfiltered questions from fans. After all, these family members should be heroes in Tampa Bay. They saved the franchise from possibly being moved in the 1990s, and they won a Super Bowl in 2002. That kind of track record earns you a certain amount of goodwill.
Of course, Romano is misguided. Although it would be extraordinarily entertaining, there’d be nothing worse for Team Glazer than to stand up in front of drunk Bucs fans to field questions.
Joel Glazer: You in the Galloway jersey. Go ahead.
Dude in the Galloway jersey: Uh, why does salary spending go down while ticket prices go up? Don’t you have enough money?
If Joe were the Bucs’ new media pit bull, Jonathan Grella, he’d advise Team Glazer to lay low. All the Glazers need to do is win games and/or spend big money on players and the front office. Then Joe suspects they’ll be all smiles and heroes around the C.I.T.S. again.
June 10th, 2010 at 12:11 pm
According to Pewter Report…McCoy just got leg injury in practice…we are cursed
June 10th, 2010 at 12:14 pm
Red Man:
It’s June and GMC walked off.
Joe isn’t walking off the Skyway Bridge. Yet.
June 10th, 2010 at 12:19 pm
20 Bucs the Glazers are attending the World Kickball Fest in South Africa next week during Fan Fest…
June 10th, 2010 at 12:23 pm
I love the positive attitude and I’m certainly not trying to be a negative nancy but Thomas Davis walked off the field Tuesday and now he’s out for the year. Let’s pray its minor.
June 10th, 2010 at 12:23 pm
Considering the comments on here, do you think the Glazers would show up? Thomas would probably be in the front row (if he could get past security)
June 10th, 2010 at 12:24 pm
Red Man — just reported as minor hip tweek, but Benn went down too. Not sure about that one
June 10th, 2010 at 12:47 pm
Joe has a better shot of having Rachel Watson show up at his pad unannounced than we do of getting to directly ask the Glazers a question!
June 10th, 2010 at 1:10 pm
Oh, please Joel, PLEASE for the love of God and all that is holy PLEASE show up!
June 10th, 2010 at 1:16 pm
Joel Glazer was at fanfest last year. I remember seeing him talking to Roy Cummings when the rookies were signing for fans. He wasnt signing. Who would want his autograph anyway? I don’t think the Glazers are hiding from the fans. I think they could care less what the fans (or the media) think. It’s not going to make them spend one extra dime. They will continue to be super-rich with or without the support of the fans.
June 10th, 2010 at 1:36 pm
Maybe they should sign Penn and Ruuds 3-year contracts!
That would mean the most to all fans. Could you imagine the reaction if that were to happen, as a surprise event, in front of all the fans and media?
June 10th, 2010 at 1:58 pm
Hair Club for Men.
All that damn money and no hair. Look at those goof balls. I’ve seen better looking faces on iodine bottles.
June 10th, 2010 at 2:53 pm
I dont think that Joel Glazer should be worried about us that aren’t too pleased with the state of the franchise.
If I were Joel Glazer I would be worried about fans with names like Jimbuc that have either a crush or mancrush on them (I have been unable to figure out if Jimbuc is a male or female). His positions have a teen-like or estrogen-filled tone to them.
The only way I advocate expressing your dissatisfaction with this debacle of a franchise is with your voice, keyboard and wallet!
June 10th, 2010 at 3:28 pm
Thomas, did you take time out from shaving your mohawk to type that response?
And yes, I am talking to you . . .
June 10th, 2010 at 3:44 pm
It only one that is hormonal here is you Thomas. I have yet to see you be pleased with anything this team has done. If at the start of a new season despite your convictions about the coaching staff and owners, you cant find something to be happy about why do you even follow the team?
June 10th, 2010 at 4:08 pm
JimBuc and Gary are on the same team…. LMAO!!!!
June 10th, 2010 at 4:28 pm
That’s hillarious, all 3 of you guys. Good job, LOL
June 10th, 2010 at 4:36 pm
RahDom: does that mean you and Thomas are on the same team? Just asking
June 10th, 2010 at 4:59 pm
…not that there’s anything wrong with that.
June 10th, 2010 at 7:36 pm
No, because I don’t play mother hen on this blog trying to defend others you damn fool.
June 10th, 2010 at 8:34 pm
Thanks for the comment Gary.
You say I “cant find something to be happy be about” so why follow the team. Well Gary if you need an answer to that question then you probably arent bright enough to understand the answer, bbut i’ll try.
The negativity is grounded in REALITY. the reality of 3-13, preceded by the gutting of a team and staff, slashed payroll, a charade a of coach and GM and then more of the same this offseason. You see Mary, fans express frustration and lean on management when the team makes a decision not to make winning, roster-talent etc the priority. Fans dont care about owners bottom-lines, the CBA, lockout – we want winning now. we want cowher, brandon marshall, anquan boldin, julius peppers and the draft picks (hell there is no salary cap).
You idiots fuel owners to pull stunts like this. This roster is not a competitive nfl roster nor legit nfl coaching staff, they will be lucky to win 5 games – that is not acceptable – never will be to most us.
Swallowing ownership b.s. about the plan after 3-13 and a flat out embarrassment from the coaching staff doesnt make you a fan it makes you a fool. If you really believe that this team is marginally better this year b/c off 10 unproven draft picks you are either crazy or Rah Morris!
I would address Jimbuc also but she is too easy to punk-down and I am sure that she is probably tied up with the American Idol.
June 10th, 2010 at 11:24 pm
Kool aid drinkers and haters alike can hopefully agree with one thing, at least Lane Kiffin is not on the payroll. He is one heckuva an overpaid unproven bratty assclown.
June 11th, 2010 at 12:11 am
Why all the negativity and name calling before the team has played one down of pre-season or regular season football. Don’t cry over milk that hasn’t spilled yet. You’re wasting so much energy complaining about last season which is six months in the rear view mirror and nobody, not the glazers, not the dream, not thomas, joe, tampa2. Eric, RahDom, jimbuc, etc… have any clue about how it will pan out. It’s got to be a very sad existence to anticipate things won’t work out way in advance and complain about it and fret over it before it actually happens. You don’t have to drink the Glazer-Ade but I’m not getting why we’ve written off this team when there’s countless examples of teams surprising people. It may or may not happen with the Bucs this year but what’s the downside to being positive. It doesn’t mean your endorsing what management/ownership is doing in any way. Save the legitimate anger and frustration if and when they end up sucking. I’m sure there plenty of Bengal and Jet and Falcon fans over the past few years that wrote off their team before one snap was taken and it was to a large extent wasted negative energy. You can make all the distinctions of how this team and coaching staff are not as good and there’s different facts but the bottom line is give this a break just temporarily and deposit your negativity into a 3 or 6 month CD that will pay interest and if they suck as much you think they will suck you can then withdraw the hate and negativity and throw a big “I told you so” in our faces and feel really good about yourself. Be happy until there’s a reason not to be happy- don’t worry it won’t make you gullible or naïve it will just make it a little less miserable for you every morning when you wake up.
June 11th, 2010 at 11:32 am
Hey maybe we can get Monte back!
June 11th, 2010 at 3:21 pm
Thomas = Travis Bickel
June 11th, 2010 at 11:38 pm
They were there last season my son got the owner to sign a football!