“Violence” To Return To Training Camp
June 23rd, 2010
Photo by Kyra Hallett, JoeBucsFan.com.
Following yesterday’s final minicamp session, Raheem The Dream stood before the media to take offseason wrap-up questions. The Bucs reconvene for training camp’s opening day on July 31.
As part of answers to various questions, Raheem The Dream made it clear that he puts little stock in evaluating players during OTAs and minicamps when they’re not wearing pads.
“Training camp for me, as you know, is going to be about physical. It’s going to be about about violence. It’s going to be about playing hard. It’s going to be about putting your face on people. Training camp is a little bit different. To me, that’s when you establish the men. You take off your underwear, put on your big boy pads and put your face on people. And that’s what training camp is about. You know, then once you get toward the game, you start to prepare like you kind of done today. And that’s when your development shows up from the offseason.”
Joe’s glad to see the Raheem The Dream keep talking about “violence.” That gets Joe all fired up, and it’s good to see Raheem The Dream isn’t being censored by the word police again.
The Bucs are filled with young guys battling for minutes, especially on the defensive line, where Brian Price and Roy Miller will slug it out at nosetackle and defensive end Kyle Moore has an awful lot to prove.
Joe’s just hoping that all that training camp violence in the trenches doesn’t result in an injury. The Bucs are pretty darn thin on those lines.
June 23rd, 2010 at 3:06 pm
“Take off your underwear” and “put your face on people” should never be uttered in the same sentence when discussing a group of men!
June 23rd, 2010 at 3:45 pm
Ah, gotta love that Raheem speak!
June 23rd, 2010 at 3:52 pm
There is so much stupid in Raheem’s comments that it just makes you wonder… if this is his best self in front of the media, while trying to be as eloquent as possible, then IMAGINE the stupid things he says behind closed doors to the team and staff? Imagine his pre-practice speeches, his pre-game speeches, his half time speeches. Look, nobody expects strong communication skills from an assitant coordinator, but as the head coach, the leader of the team, when these football players need it most, they are gonna lift their heads up, look at him and think, will this idiot shut the hell up with his non-sense he is spewing???? I mean listen to him! I’m demanding a trade this off-season, this place is F—— up.
June 23rd, 2010 at 3:54 pm
“Training camp for me, as you know, is going to be about physical. It’s going to be about about violence.
I guess Barrett Ruud’s not invited then right?
June 23rd, 2010 at 4:01 pm
“Joe’s just hoping that all that training camp violence in the trenches doesn’t result in an injury. The Bucs are pretty darn thin on those lines.”
The only reason our team has been looking so fragile in OTAs is because Morris wants to keep the players fresh. Everyone who is on the “injury” list is ABLE to participate fully. It is just a smarter idea to let them recooperate until Training camp rolls around (Antonio Bryant’s knee comes to mind).
June 23rd, 2010 at 4:02 pm
“I guess Barrett Ruud’s not invited then right?”
Your an idiot.
June 23rd, 2010 at 4:11 pm
Players relate to slang and metaphoric examples because that is what they use in everyday life. Most (or all) of your NFL players are not English Majors. In other words this is how they all talk to each in a casual setting. Raheem prides himself as being one of the guys. (maybe a little too much) You have to remember he is only a young man himself and this is how this generation communicates with one another. Slang is a way of life now! Just ask anyone who likes to Text….
June 23rd, 2010 at 4:13 pm
MVPFreeman Says,
You could have just given me examples of how Ruud is Physical or Violent, but If that one word suits you then so be it…….
June 23rd, 2010 at 4:17 pm
Are you sure this wasn’t the article from last year? Sure sounds the same! Right before they turned into little lambs in regular season.
June 23rd, 2010 at 4:22 pm
BucJim…. true up UNTIL you become a Head Coach of one of only 32 NFL organizations in the world. The Head Coach who is the ultimate communicator shouldn’t sound like a goof…. anyone else, ok… the players, sure, they play, they aren’t……. you know what, forget it, if you don’t care then neither do I.
June 23rd, 2010 at 4:27 pm
@Rah…I guess you would not welcome Billechick to Tampa than.
June 23rd, 2010 at 4:43 pm
“Take off your underwear” and “put your face on people”……..
I like that Raheem doesn’t hold back and gets all excited, but sometimes he really needs to think about what is coming out of his mouth.
At the risk of having a comment bannished, this sounds really gay.
Good to see that he wants violence in the camp though. GET AFTER IT!!
June 23rd, 2010 at 5:00 pm
Bellicheat speaks English… He is just boring
June 23rd, 2010 at 5:34 pm
“Take off your underwear” and “put your face on people”
LOL…. this one HAS to STICK… like a bad nickname.
June 23rd, 2010 at 7:32 pm
i think coach meant take off your diapers. that’s a dick vermeilism.
June 23rd, 2010 at 8:01 pm
“Take off your underwear” and “put your face on people”……..
This will probably be the next thing Adam Schein makes fun of. haha.
June 23rd, 2010 at 8:54 pm
George you’re a funny dude!!
June 23rd, 2010 at 9:10 pm
“You know, then once you get toward the game, you start to prepare like you kind of done today”
A leader of men if there ever was one.
June 23rd, 2010 at 9:10 pm
The sad thing is that Adam Schein isn’t making fun of the Buc’s. He is just stating facts.
June 24th, 2010 at 9:30 am
Taking off the underwear refers to the crap (lycra, shorts, etc) they wear in OTA’s… which is what football players call ‘under wear’ … I refuse to believe I’m the only one to get that…
I don’t have issue with the way Coach Morris communicates… I wouldn’t care if he was a deaf mute (no offense) as long as he finds a way to communicate and motivate his players effectively.
June 24th, 2010 at 11:00 am
I wonder if the Buccaneers are going to turn into the University of Miami like they were in the 80’s and 90’s… you know, with all of their antics…. except without all the winning. I’m sure the Tampa community will just love them.