Sapp In Tampa To Play Mentor
June 18th, 2010
Per Warren Sapp's Twitter account, this is a picture of Bucs trainer Todd Toriscelli taping up Sapp's ankle for a training session today at One Buc Place.
Several weeks ago Warren Sapp said he would come to Tampa to tutor the Bucs’ young defensive tackles. And it seems like today was the day.
Via Sapp’s Twitter account, the Bucs icon posted a variety of odd pictures and notes from One Buc Palace today.
Sapp doesn’t come out and say what exactly he’s doing in Tampa, but it’s clear what the message is, and his photo of Gerald McCoy is a giveaway.
In April, Sapp told the Associated Press he wasn’t going to do on-field work with McCoy and company, it seems like he changed his mind.
Sapp Tweeted a photograph that implies that longtime Bucs trainer Todd Toriscelli was taping his ankles so he could hit the field. Joe’s a little surprised that Sapp would brave this heat and humidity after all that time away from the field.
Hopefully, some of Sapp’s Hall of Fame knowledge and skill rubbed off the youngsters.
June 18th, 2010 at 2:42 pm
They are taping up the QBkilla so he can hit the field!
Man, that brings back good memories. It shows real class for Sapp to tape’em up to help our young DT’s. I think a few days with a former Allpro are worth 2 weeks with a coach. Sapp has been there, done that! A was one of the very best in doing so! Thanks for your dedication to the Bucs, Warren, and always great to see you at one Buc place
June 18th, 2010 at 2:48 pm
Before we give Sapp too much credit, remember the man is a piece
of _ _ _ _. More than likely they are paying him, which is fine. Just no way he is doing it for free.
That said, I am PSYCHED that he is here and working with McCoy and hopefully Price and Miller too. Nothing but good things can come from it.
Now they need to mend fences with brooks and get him in here to teach Hayes and company the ropes.
June 18th, 2010 at 2:51 pm
Now if we could just get Jaquez Green to come mentor our new recievers we would be all set.
June 18th, 2010 at 2:55 pm
Well, since Sapp is a terrible communicator and has nothing but criticism for rookies coming into the league, it’s no wonder he needed to get his ankles taped up… at least he can demonstrate……….. hopefully he doesn’t embarass himself.
June 18th, 2010 at 3:00 pm
I’m taking the optimistic route on this one. Our team has lacked leadership and unity for years. Regardless of the circumstances or compensation, to get suited up and hit the field is awesome. This is the kind of veteran and alumni leadership we need. Let’s not knock it.
June 18th, 2010 at 3:40 pm
Pure awesome
June 18th, 2010 at 4:00 pm
I don’t care what circumstance brought him here or what… I’m ecstatic he was here and hopefully McCoy (and Price??) got a lot of out it and put it too good use. Personally I think Sapp sees McCoy as his potential Protege, having dominated the NFL already and made a successful career outside of it, having McCoy continue his legacy would be an extra nail in the coffin and just give him even more bragging rights then ever.
June 18th, 2010 at 4:57 pm
Lot’s of negativity from you guys for a beast like Sapp to come in, paid or not, and show him some things. It only helps. I for one, appreciate he did such a thing. It’s still a classy move, pay day or not.
June 18th, 2010 at 6:11 pm
Maybe Sapp can teach GMC about being an NFL player and GMC can teach Sapp about not being an jackass.
June 18th, 2010 at 6:11 pm
Interesting association….this team is so far from leadership perhaps paying Sapp to come in and discribe what it takes to win at the NFL level 2010…..this team flying blind in the coachless locker room
June 18th, 2010 at 6:26 pm
@Laughing Cat
“Our team has lacked leadership and unity for years.”
Not for years. The Bucs had loads of veteran leadership up until 2008 but Raheem and Dominik got rid of all of it when Garcia, Galloway, Brooks, Dunn, Wilkerson and Hovan all departed. They not only provided much needed leadership but they had also been around the organization for so long and knew how things were around there.
I think it’s a great thing that Sapp is playing a mentor role. I hope Derrick Brooks finally announces his retirement soon, comes back to the organization and maybe mentors the linebackers also.
June 18th, 2010 at 8:59 pm
Hey D money less ease back on the airplane glue of what ever else your sniffing jaquez green where you going with that flipperhead
June 18th, 2010 at 10:55 pm
This is all good. Thanks to the QBKilla.
Raquel Welch is still hot!!!
Joe how bout a good old pic of Raquel, say “Lust” in ‘Bedazzled” or 1 Million BC. She is 70 now and the miracles of Plastic Surgery and Mucho Dinero.
June 19th, 2010 at 1:56 am
Who cares if he is a piece of $hit to fans. Does that really matter here? I actually was little disappointed when he originally said he wasnt going to go on the field. He was only going to do film work with the rookies. Im very happy to hear this mentoring is also on the field where Sapp revolutionized the position
June 19th, 2010 at 7:46 am
Only the haters in ” The Slow Squad” would try and put a bad spin on this!
I got this straight from One Buc Place.
Per the CBA, if an Nfl team request an Alumnist( former player), to make an appearence(training camp, press conference, etc.), the team pays for said players transportation and boarding while here. If requested to make a statement, or interviews, the player recieved a nominal PR payment.
Warren Sapp was NOT requested to be at OTA’s. He volunteered, and his time here is all voluntary(FREE). The Bucs have offered to pay transportation and boarding, once he got here. He did not accept to this point.
Warren came here to help McCoy and Price on his own initiative. He also came as a favor to Coach Morris, whom Sapp respects and believes to be a great coach.( note to slow squad, what does he know,right! Just a Hall of fame guy!)
So, as usual, the lie about Sapp getting paid was just “the Slow Squad” blowing B.S. On a good deed. Gotta suck to hate your own home team that much.
June 19th, 2010 at 8:21 am
Hopefully they lined up a woman opposite Sapp out on the practice field to bring out the best “killa” in him!
June 19th, 2010 at 12:01 pm
Hopefully, they line you up across from him, lightningbug. Your comments have proven that intellectually, you qualify as a tackling dummy! And though you are lacking in height, you have enough extra ‘volume’ to fill in size wise.
And with all you hatred of all things Buccaneer, I’m sure you would relish the chance to tell Sapp how you REALLY feel, face to face, instead of always having to say it behind their backs. I think this could turn out well for you:)