Raheem The Dream Likes Coach Yarber’s “Vibe”
June 24th, 2010
Raheem The Dream loves what he sees in his receivers room. Photo by Kyra Hallett, JoeBucsFan.com.
There was a twinkle in Raheem The Dream’s eye last week when he talked about new wide receivers coach Eric Yarber, the 46-year-old veteran coach the Bucs brought in to replace Richard Mann.
Raheem The Dream explained he likes the spirited teaching and cameraderie Yarber fosters among his charges. The head coach even went so far as to explain that Yarber is the polar opposite of Mann.
“Juice. Energy. Enthusiasm. He’s a fired up guy,” Raheem The Dream told the media when asked to give his impressions of working with Yarber. “I hate to call him a young guy. He’s old. He played with Doug Williams [in Washington]. So I like to give him crap about that. He’s running around like he’s 22. And he’s excited to coach his guys.
“He’s got a nice bounce about him on the practice field. He’s got a nice bounce about him in the meeting rooms. His meeting rooms are very entertaining. He brings back, for me being a head coach, when you walk in that room it kind of gets you back into that feel when you’re a [defensive backs] coach. You get to that room and the guys are there and they’re joking around and they’re working. You’re able to talk to the guys and they’re able to communicate back with you. You’re able to communicate with those guys. You’re able to learn from some of the older guys in that room. He’s able to comment. He’s talking about his experience from his playing days. It’s real nice. It’s a breath fresh air, you know, from what we had. Richard Mann was kind of the opposite. He was a set old back, laid back teacher, a fundamentalist core. You know, and he had a lot of great attributes, as well. But it’s a nice vibe when you go into that room and you see the guys really vibing, and really having that kind of energy chasing them down.”
Raheem The Dream was then asked if Yarber reminds him of himself. (Superior follow up question, actually).
“I don’t want to say that because he’s older than me. You know that’s kind of a smack at where he is [in his career] or whatever. I don’t want to take a shot at my guy.” Raheem The Dream said grinning. “I just see a lot of similar coaching styles that we have together that I would have loved to be a DB coach against him. Because I would have tortured him every day.”
Joe’s glad Raheem The Dream’s receivers are “vibing.” Hopefully, that will help the blocking icon Michael Clayton catch the ball, or perhaps request a trade because he isn’t feelin’ the “vibe.”
That said, Raheem The Dream is in a such a feel-good position compared to last year. Now he has a clue direction.
And he’s got his receivers coach, his defensive coordinator, his quarterback, his quarterback coach, and seemingly his stockpile of defensive draft picks and an offensive coordinator to vibe with.
All the excuses are gone. How refreshing.
June 24th, 2010 at 12:09 pm
“…You know that’s kind of a smack at where he is [in his career] or whatever. I don’t want to take a shot at my guy.”
WTF!!!??? Will somebody please translate?
June 24th, 2010 at 12:35 pm
I am all for this guy! He gets me excited. I mean who wouldn’t want this positive attitude in their lives so much it’s bursting at the seams?
Let’s just hope he stays up when the season starts and the reality of tough times set it.
June 24th, 2010 at 12:41 pm
@ Louie
Yarber is older than Raheem, yet Yarber works for Raheem. Usually older people don’t work for younger people. Raheem doesn’t want to slight Yarber’s modest position in Yarber’s career by comparing it to Raheem’s rapid ascent in the coaching profession. Respect your elders lol.
June 24th, 2010 at 12:44 pm
Yarber may get the last laugh though… as he is sought after for his experience, if Raheem doesn’t get re-signed, then he might have trouble finding work…… in the event another team does their homework and reads his press clippings. But you can’t fault his excitement. Can you?
June 24th, 2010 at 1:07 pm
Thanks sensiblefan!
June 24th, 2010 at 1:47 pm
Just listened to the press conference’s on buccaneers.com…. Raheem seems as if he is actually maturing… although he hasn’t taken his underwear off and put his face on people, he sounds reasonable and not nearly as bad as some of you guys make him out to be.
Now this doesn’t raise my expectations, but i think the Bucs have a chance to improve form last year. I think with good position coaches and coordinators, this team could have a chance to win some unexpected games and give others a run for their money.
As long as you have low expectations, the Buccaneers should be fun to watch this year.
June 24th, 2010 at 1:50 pm
They should have a sign hanging in the tunnel that reads, “Expect Perfection, Demand Excellence.”
June 24th, 2010 at 2:00 pm
Last year the team looked confused at times, at other times they looked plain lost.
But, as bad of a season as they went thru, facing as many changes and challenges as they did, they never stopped playing hard. They fought start to finish, every game.
I’ll take it as a very positive reflection on Coach Morris
I know the haters won’t admit this( Who cares!), but I’m sure the intelligent Buc fans remember the WHOLE DAMN TEAM layed down and died the last 4 games the year before! Needed one win for the playoffs, but flat gave up! It was disgusting to watch.
Still don’t know if Raheem is gonna make it as a head coach. Still think he shoulda had 2 years as Defensive co-ordinator.
But I like his energy, and the team reflects that in their play. Personally,I hope the guy makes it and becomes a great coach. I think there is a good chance of that happening.
Ah, but probably never gonna be a great public speaker:(
June 24th, 2010 at 2:38 pm
CaptTimmy: “I hope the guy makes it and becomes a great coach. I think there is a good chance of that happening.”
What? And just WHY do you think this???
June 24th, 2010 at 3:20 pm
Compare June 17th 2009 PC to June 2010 PC.
Noticeable difference in our Coach.
2009 – Learning 2010 – Coaching
June 24th, 2010 at 3:28 pm
and 2011 Fired
June 24th, 2010 at 3:47 pm
Why certainly, RahDomdadumbass, Capt tim has come to believe it’s his mission in life to explain things s l o w ly, so as to provide enlightenment to his fellow posters! Glad ta help
I believe that Raheem Morris has a CHANCE to be a good head coach because
1) his players all support him, and play hard for him. Ronde Barber stated that if Raheem Morris was retained at the end of last season, he would not return this year.that’s sticking yer neck, and 4 million dollars, out on the line for the guy. And Barber is one of the smartest, most knowledgeable guys on this team. Played for Dungy and Gruden! Didn’t stick his neck out for them!
Every player I’ve heard believes in Morris.
Think players play hard for every coach? Rewind to 2008. The entire team layed down in Gruden, sucessfully ending his tenure in Tampa
2) he proved he could coach as our defensive backs coach. We forget that our secondary was under siege prior to Raheem returning and coaching the secondary. They improved Dramatically, which is why the Glazers recognized this ability to improve young players
3) he proved he could coach last year, after taking the reins of the Defense. The defense looked like a different team under Morris.
4) because he improved. Every Rookie coach makes major Blunders. Morris made more than most, because he was far less prepared than most. He went from secondary coach, to DC, to Head coach in a month. That would spin anyones head. Yet, he did one thing that caught my eye, that really seperated him from other rookie coaches, he admitted his mistakes, then corrected them! That doesn’t happen! NFL coaches never admit they’re wrong, especially in midseason. I have known some great men in my life. And if I had to discribe one single characteristic that they shared, it was the willingness to admit they made a mistake, then corriioo
June 24th, 2010 at 3:58 pm
Then correct it. That sounds easy. But most if us have an ego that doesn’t let us admit it. I have problems doing that. But Morris admitted mistakes, then moved on. That’s a sign of confidence, that most people don’t possess
So, yeah there’s a chance! Will he suceed, don’t know, but he has some qualities that are rather rare
June 24th, 2010 at 5:44 pm
@Capt Tim
“Think players play hard for every coach? Rewind to 2008. The entire team layed down in Gruden, successfully ending his tenure in Tampa.”
If the players just didn’t play hard for Gruden and they do for Raheem, then that really pisses me off. Oh, wait I know. Raheem is a NICE guy and he’s everyones buddy instead of their coach!! Everyone calls him Raheem. Everyone just loves him!!!!! But Gruden actually jumped over people’s asses in practice, and brought discipline to the locker room. So he wasn’t NICE enough for the team I guess.
I’m a Gruden fan, and I disagree with some of the stuff he did too. But it just kind of disgusts me how everyone just treats Raheem so great and they just dispose of Gruden. I remember when Simeon Rice called Gruden “a scumbag” on Sirius NFL Radio. Seriously??? I mean I like Simeon Rice at all, but I think he was a real asshole talking like that on the radio. Remember how Clayton talked down to Gruden after he was fired??
The Bucs roster has a lot of babies on it.
June 24th, 2010 at 6:31 pm
“He brings back, for me being a head coach, when you walk in that room it kind of gets you back into that feel when you’re a [defensive backs] coach”
Don’t forget that feeling Rah, it will be reality again pretty soon……….
June 24th, 2010 at 9:47 pm
Why oh why do you continue to celebrate Raheem and his jumbled speak but continue to go after Sabby on a daily basis. I wish Mann all the best and hope he can cure Clanghands (doubtful) of his personal demons. But the Bucs passed on a few quality NFL coaches and players to take this guy who has no experience in the NFL or Division I football that I know of. I don’t even think he was a quality WR in Divison I football.
June 24th, 2010 at 10:11 pm
Eric Yarber
Played at Idaho (1984-85) Big Sky Conference Most Valuable Player as a senior after catching 75 passes for 1,103 yards.
A 12th-round draft pick out of Idaho by Washington in the 1986 NFL Draft. A member of Washington’s Super Bowl XXII championship team in 1988, leading the team that season with 37 punt returns.
Yarber’s coaching career began at his alma mater, Idaho, as secondary coach in 1996. Then a year in UNLV as receiver coach in 1997.
Deniss Erickson brought Yarber to the NFL ranks as offensive quality control coach for the Seattle Seahawks in 1998.
Yarber was a member of the Oregon State staff from 1999-2002. During Yarber’s tenure, the Beavers sent two receivers to the NFL in 2000, as Chad Johnson was a second-round selection of Cincinnati and T.J. Houshmandzadeh was the seventh-round pick of the Bengals. (not bad receivers do you think?)
Yarber coached the 49ers’ wide receivers in 2003 and 2004, guiding Pro Bowler Terrell Owens to a 1,000-yard season in his first year.( A rookie) Yarber also played an integral part in the development of rookie wide receiver Brandon Lloyd, who led the team with a 15.1-yard average per catch in 2004.(another rookie)
Eric Yarber spent two seasons (2005, 2006) as the Huskies’ wide receivers coach.
Eric Yarber spent three seasons (2007, 2008, 2009) as the Huskies’ wide receivers coach.
This resume seems to be fairly good! Now don’t get me wrong is he the best ever at WR coach no.. But he is MILES above Mann IMO.. But what do i know? Must be me in the kool-aid again.
June 24th, 2010 at 10:23 pm
Yeah, players laying down on their coach isn’t cool. Especially when it’s a concerted, organized effort. Starting to understand why some vets got shipped out of here, all at once?
June 24th, 2010 at 11:16 pm
Are you suggesting Sabby the Goat’s play should be celebrated?
June 25th, 2010 at 5:31 am
Don’t answer, Drdneast! We don’t know which Joe asked us!
It might be Evil Twin Joe, or even ” I love kickball ” Joe. Better ask for some I.D.
June 25th, 2010 at 8:30 am
Capt Tim, Are you saying Derrick Brooks, Ike Hilliard, Joey Galloway, and Warrick Dunn all quit in 2008?????? Last I saw they were hurt, but you go ahead and think the veterans got released cause they quit. Too funny! There are other “real” reasons they goyt released. Or for the-Bucs-are-cheap-conspriracy nuts out there, it is funny how the combined salaries of said released vets almost exactly totaled Antonio Byrants franchise tag 9 mil for that one year. I have my own thoughts and reasons, which I have posted several times before.
June 25th, 2010 at 8:52 am
Capt. Tim would NEVER say a bad word about Derrick Brooks- Ever!!
Monte Kiffin announces he’s leaving. What ever happens no longer impacts his status with the Bucs. The team loved Monte
Team doesn’t win another game, Gruden gets fired. Comments by players “suggest” they didn’t exactly love him.A bunch of vets get released in a mass firing. Other teams do not sign them. Hmmm . . .
June 25th, 2010 at 9:42 am
Capt Tim, you said “players laying down on their coach isn’t cool. Especially when it’s a concerted, organized effort. Starting to understand why some vets got shipped out of here, all at once?”
I read that as saying several veteran players quit(layed down) on Gruden(or Monte). BTW included in those vets is Brooks. So, no you didn’t directly say anything bad about Brooks, but you do include him in your “concerted veteran laying down”(quitting) statement.
I just don’t agree that the veterans quit that year, I think thier injuries were more of the cause and not quitting.
June 26th, 2010 at 5:56 am
Oar, absolutely not
Derrick Brooks was a true professional, start to finish. He played his best in every game
Watch those last four games, there were players going thru the motion- if that! No one layed down when Kiffin was here. Once he announced he was leaving, the team play “changed”. Again, watch those games