Bucs Secondary Could Be Elite If…
June 24th, 2010Joe has written many times over — and it’s still June — that the Bucs are counting on way too many rookies to shine in order to have a decent record this season.
Though Joe hates being repetitive, one of the rookies Joe hasn’t included in previous missives is defensive back Myron Lewis, who is not expected to start.
It seems eye-RAH! Kaufman of the Tampa Tribune is bullish on Lewis. So much so Kaufman, via the TBO Bucs Twitter feed, suggests Lewis could propel the Bucs secondary into elite status.
If Vanderbilt rookie Myron Lewis can handle the nickel back role, the Buccaneers could have one of the better secondaries in the league.
On face value, Joe believes Kaufman has a point. But just as soon as Joe was about to be warmed over by Kaufman, Joe realized it’s possible that eye-RAH! has been watching too much of that kickball tournament the Stalinists at BSPN are trying to brainwash right-thinking, red-blooded Americans with. And it’s possible that those shrill horns those third world denizens incessantly blow that make the St. Petersburg Grand Prix sound like Chopin may have gotten to Kaufman.
He forgot about Sabby the Goat!
Now Joe understands that Sean Jones is pushing Sabby the Goat for the starting role, which doesn’t make Joe rest all that well at night. Unless Sabby the Goat has made dramatic improvement in his play, so long as he is the starter, there’s just no way the Bucs secondary can be among the NFL’s best.
June 24th, 2010 at 2:27 pm
Joe – you’re right on with yur soccer comments. BSPN is shoving that down our throats in a slow summer sports season. I’d rather watch womens tournament bowling than a world cup game that drags on only to end in a draw. What an awful sport.
June 24th, 2010 at 2:42 pm
gawd, kickball sucks! And BSPN sucks worse for trying to turn the young boys of this country into buncha sissy,men kissing pansies. John Wayne must be spinning in his grave !! Makes wanna go punch some kickball playing pantywaist right in the Ole piehole, for even thinking about playing that wuss sport in a Man’s country!
On a lighter note, my daughter’s soccer team is doing well, and I’ll be cheering for them this weekend!
But Men- kickball?!? That crap ought be on “logo”, or one of the other . .ahem . . Not so manly mens’s networks!!
Our secondary is gonna be great in 3 or 4 positions, but yeah, that SS spot looks like the weakest link
Meybe Russ Grimm’s kid will turn into the “Grimm reaper”, and we’ll be rockin!!
Nah, probably not:(
June 24th, 2010 at 2:45 pm
One of the best secondary’s?
Doesn’t anyone remember all the missed tackles Tanard Jackson, Ronde Barber and Sabby Piscateli had last year??? They were almost the worst last year and to claim they may be one of the best because of a rookie is an absolute stretch, if not a flat out delusion.
Bucs can’t lose in the off-season!
June 24th, 2010 at 2:52 pm
Love the LOGO blast! LOL
June 24th, 2010 at 2:52 pm
Keep your ignorant opinions on non-football related subjects off this website please. Stick to Football.
At this point we know this secondary has the potential to be great, that’s about it.
BTW Which JoeBucsFan wrote this article?
June 24th, 2010 at 2:53 pm
One of the BETTER secondaries, Joe. Why do you sensationalize nearly every quote you post? Is it because it’s the slow season for football? I’m about to stop reading, honestly.
June 24th, 2010 at 3:02 pm
Joe here,
AllMaddenMonkey — It was the Joe annoyed by rampant soccer promotion on BSPN who wrote this article.
This Joe finds it funny that the World Cup ratings dwarf so many other sporting events despite airing out of prime time and BSPN losing a massive audience to the American Spanish networks. Yet so many people just assume nobody enjoys watching soccer and it’s somehow Un-American. ….Of course, soccer is no more un-American than hockey (and way more Americans play soccer than hockey), and since every real man has the NFL Network, there’s no reason to feel beaten and abused by soccer games on BSPN. ….A poll of Joe’s readers weeks ago showed slightly more were interested in the World Cup games than those who answered a similar poll regarding watching NCAA tournament, and the World Cup doesn’t even have a bracketologists.
June 24th, 2010 at 3:04 pm
Joe here,
Jameson – Joe’s turned out more Bucs posts here in 22 months (nearly 5,000) than any other media outlet in that time. There’s something for everyone. And Joe surely doesn’t expect you to enjoy everything written. …So stick around. You know you want to.
June 24th, 2010 at 3:18 pm
What, we have a multiple Joe issue here? One Joe hates Kickball, the next Joe is impressed by kickball’s ratings??
Dont let the kickballers push ya around Joe. This is a damn Football site. It’s for the red blooded, “got a set”, crowd. Anyone who wants ta whine about kickball, go to a damn kickball site! Ussually pop up if you search” men scoring, then kissing”
Also don’t care if the rest of the world loves the game. Most of those poor fellas have been castrated over the years, so Kickball is all they have.
Send out the cheerleaders, start pouring the Beer, sling the Ribs on the grill!
Thank God for the NFL!! Is it September yet??!?
June 24th, 2010 at 3:45 pm
Capt. Tim: I get your attempt at humor, but just to be clear most professional soccers players are doing pretty well for themselves:
Not bad for a bunch of “poor castrated fellas”
June 24th, 2010 at 3:57 pm
And the “comment guardian” strikes again!
June 24th, 2010 at 4:06 pm
“poor castrated fellas”. That’s why the chicks like those guys.
June 24th, 2010 at 4:10 pm
i can play this game joe. Our secondary could be elite if………..
we replaced sabby piscatelli with troy polamalu. Am i right what did i win.
June 24th, 2010 at 4:21 pm
And as I told you, jimmyboy, last time you leapt in to action, defending the virtues of kickball!
(yawn) I don’t care,you love soccer so much, then go kiss Pele or something, if that crap was worth watching, it wouldn’t need so many Lil candyasses running around trying ta convince us that it isn’t as gay as we think it is.
If it didn’t suck, I’d be sitting here at “Mugs” , bitching that they weren’t showing replays from last nights game!
I wouldn’t need you, BSPN, and a bunch of other imbeciles telling me ” the whole world watches it, it’s the number one sport in the world, we should all join hands, sing Kumbiya, and embrace soccer, in one big global wussfeast”
I’ve been around the world. Believe me when I tell ya, for all it’s faults, yer lucky ta live here! ( although Sweden and Denmark both had their charms- to friggin cold though)
So being “the worlds sport” doesn’t impress me. Wanna impress me?
Pick a sport that isn’t so UNBELIEVABLY BORING!
Thank you for your time, my Venting is Now complete!
June 24th, 2010 at 4:29 pm
Nice article Joe…I also agree with the other Joe, I am one who enjoys World Cup. I am by far a football fan over all other sports. Soccer is a great sport of skill and endurance, and it is true…for some reason chicks dig soccer players.
June 24th, 2010 at 4:29 pm
Louie, the chicks dig anyone who is famous. I was in a band, and they “dug” me too! And trust me, I’m an A-hole of biblical proportions a lot of the time.
That story is both sad, and true
June 24th, 2010 at 8:58 pm
Capt. Tim — you are a shining example. Believe me no one is trying to convince you that soccer is good or bad. If it makes you feel better to bash the sport, fire away. Like I said, shining example.
June 24th, 2010 at 9:40 pm
Joe constantly berating Piscatelli every day has become an extreme bore. I guess he likes posting the pic of the simple looking goat. Find something else to gnaw on, Joe. ESPN broadcasts all the games because they probably got a great deal on them and it eats up a lot of broadcasting time. I don’t watch them and don’t care if anyone else does. If they like the games, good for them. Move on, Joe.
June 24th, 2010 at 10:33 pm
I have never been a big Soccer fan, but we have watched the USA games so far at the World Cup, along with Germany because I have family there. There are many positives about this game. The clock doesn’t stop and I love that. They add the down time on the end and that’s it. Unlike Baseball, which some games are very exciting and some games take forever, like when a batter hits 10 foul balls in a row, and then the next batter does the same thing. Soccer is more like Hockey and keeps moving, but even better the clock doesn’t stop. I would not watch Soccer all the time, but I have enjoyed the World Cup so far and love the spirit and sticktoitiveness of the USA team. I can’t wait until Saturday for the next round. If I lived on the other side of the pond I could become a Soccer fan for sure, most likely become a Hooligan, and surely spend time in the Pubs studying the art of Pint draining. It’s a when in Rome thing, but I am enjoying the Cup and when time is up, it’s up. I played basketball, but I get so frustrated with the cheating, game fixing, suckyass, paid off, blind, stupid refs that I can hardly watch bball these days.
June 24th, 2010 at 10:33 pm
Wow, pretty proud of myself!
That’s as close to shut up as I’ve seen ” Jimbuc, the comment Nazi”. Just about left him speechless.
Of course, I don’t know why he posted any response! Jimmyboy! What are you still hanging around here posting!! I though I told you to go kiss Pele! Now GET!!
June 25th, 2010 at 1:08 am
Capt. Tim — the world stops at the borders
June 25th, 2010 at 8:22 am
Don’t you guys know you can’t shake the “comment guardian”!
June 25th, 2010 at 8:40 am
Lol, but I ALMOST shut him up, and that’s a feat!!
Jimmyboy, quit posting and go kiss a soccer player, like I told you.!!
The worst border I have ta deal with are yer ears, which set the border for that piece a granite you keep arguing with!!
June 25th, 2010 at 8:56 am
LOL. Like the double standard. When you comment with stupid juvenille comments about soccer players lack of manhood it is just a “comment.” When I respond I am the “comment guardian.” (So I protect yoor comments?) Anyway, free country so pretty sure if you have the right put your stupidity on display, I have the right to point out that your comments are typical of a “world stops ate the borders” american . Don’t I?
June 25th, 2010 at 9:29 am
JimBuc, “When I respond I am the “comment guardian.” (So I protect yoor comments?)”
No, you just have the habit of jumping in and “condemning” anything that is not the same as your opinion or anything negatively/positively funny. You seem to be “protecting” those that these comments are directed at(relax you don’t have to stand-up for(“guard”) everyone belittled or disparaged). I guess “comment apologist” would be better? Or do you prefer Capt Tim’s “comment nazi”? I can oblige.
June 25th, 2010 at 12:55 pm
oar — so why would a comment that I make be different than a comment that you and Capt. Tim make? Because it is not negative? In other words, you classify my comments as “defending?” Why? And why would that make me a comment guardian? Because I am offering a response? Because my view is counter to the view I am responding too? Sorry, sounds like a double standard.
I mean, if I post a comment first then you guys are “comment nazi’s” for responding, right? Are you guys not “defending” your point of view too?
All I am doing is responding to the article or the poster. In this instance, I am just responding to Capt. Tim’s shot at soccer. How is that worse then the initial comment? Very stange point of view.
Last point, why resort to name calling? Capt. Tim could not just comment that he disliked soccer, he apparently felt compelled to denegrate the participants. Humor? Possibly, but we should be able to agree that it is juvenille humor at best, right? Why do you feel compelled to call me a name? In fact, you offer to choose between two “comment apologist” or “comment nazi.” By the way, everyone is different but I would never refer to someone as a “nazi,” even in jest. To each his own, I guess.
June 25th, 2010 at 1:37 pm
JimBuc, I’m sorry that I have hurt your feelings. I will refrain from the name calling; ie “comment guardian”. Those are some harsh words. What the hell was I thinking?
June 25th, 2010 at 1:59 pm
JimBuc, no offense, but I have to agree with them, and you can name call with the best of them. I am not saying your opinions are wrong though, just the way they are often presented. We are all guilty of it at times, especially addressing someone by their screen name. Sometimes you can just offer a different viewpoint without personally addressing the one you disagree with. They know what you are saying, but then you aren’t technically playing “Blog Daddy”.
As Bruce Lee said “The art of foighting witout foighting.”
June 25th, 2010 at 2:16 pm
BigMac, Fuunny Bruce Lee! Or another one of my favorite Bruce Lee quotes: “Boards don’t hit back!”
June 25th, 2010 at 4:16 pm
oar, not sure why you think you hurt my feelings? I just asked why the name calling (as in name calling usually occurs in the absence of a valid counter argument). I noticed you did not mention the use of the term “nazi,” which I think falls on Capt. Tim, but was endorsed by you?
My point was actually much simpler: why are my comment any less valid than yours such that I am labeled and you are not? Fine with me if you wnat to label me, I was just curious about the logic (or absence of logic)
June 25th, 2010 at 4:23 pm
BigMac Attack — fair enough. I will try to remember that. In this instance, are you aware that I had no comment on the board. I just responded to this comment:
“gawd, kickball sucks! And BSPN sucks worse for trying to turn the young boys of this country into buncha sissy,men kissing pansies. John Wayne must be spinning in his grave !! Makes wanna go punch some kickball playing pantywaist right in the Ole piehole, for even thinking about playing that wuss sport in a Man’s country!”
I actually responded by saying “I get your attempt at humor” and pointed out — in my own attempt (emphasis on “attempt”) at humor that soccer players have some of the most beautiful wives and girlfriends in the world.
That led to oar posting this immediatley after my comment:
“And the “comment guardian” strikes again!”
May be just me but you guys may want to consider whether we have a little pot calling the kettle black. That and you guys are a little to sensitive to someon providing a different point of view. BigMacAttack, also not sure — with all due respect — that you should ever lecture me about name calling.
You guys sure are fragile to have to come running to any comment I make. Fragile or bored maybe.
June 25th, 2010 at 4:43 pm
JimBuc, Please lighten up! Also isn’t “a little pot calling the kettle black” a little racist? BTW I’m not calling you racist. THAT IS A JOKE JIMBUC!
Also, I didn’t endorse ‘nazi”? It was that I asked if you would rather me call you that instead of my “comment guardian”, which sounds way cooler to me btw!
June 26th, 2010 at 12:46 am
I must have been drinking.
June 26th, 2010 at 6:11 am
Oar and BigMac are nice guys. Let me help explain things a little easier.
You “patrol” every post on this website, leaping in to contradict anyone who you don’t agree with, then spew your distorted logic to back up your point.
The problem with that is, well, you’re a dumbass, and your logic seldom holds water. But that doesn’t stop you from trying to ram that opinion down all our throats- yer like the frigging Jerry Falwell of Bucism!
So, instead of assuming your “superiority” over all other posters, try reading some of them, and learning from them. I would start with my post! Because I actually AM as knowledgeable as you THINK you are. Plus I’m not a racist comment Nazi
June 26th, 2010 at 1:56 pm
Here, How about if I end all the crying and naem calling with some simple facts for you to digest Capt. Tim. Soccer is the only major aport where you will find an athlete that runs a sub 4.5 40 yard dash AND and sub 5:00 mile. The average midfield player runs between 5 – 7 miles in a game. So, for all the argument one can make about athletes, hard to argue anything other than that soccer players are the fittest athletes of the major sports Need more proof? Generally speaking professional soccer players retire younger than most other athletes. Why? because the sport is more physical demanding. Most players play a full 90 minutes on a very lagre field and, as stated above, run at top speeds over both long and short distances. Say what you will, but professional soccer players are some of the best athletes in the world.
I guess this post makes me a “nazi.”
June 26th, 2010 at 2:11 pm
LOL no, for promoting soccer on a football board, it makes you a “socialist.”
(Joe is enjoying football this afternoon too: Minnesota at Northwestern on the Big Ten Network.)
June 26th, 2010 at 2:24 pm
Let’s go USA!!!
June 26th, 2010 at 4:30 pm
Joe — defending soccer, not promoting.
June 26th, 2010 at 8:55 pm
USA lost, I’m back to hating it again. Go Germany!