Benn For Bryant Not A Good Swap
May 12th, 2010
Jason Cole of Yahoo! Sports believes the Bucs will long regret letting wide receiver Antonio Bryant walk.
In an article Joe wrote for the Champaign (Ill.) News-Gazette that will appear this weekend on former Illinois and current Bucs wide receiver Arrelious Benn, Joe typed that Benn could have a long productive career with the Bucs.
But Jason Cole of Yahoo! Sports doesn’t think Benn will make Bucs fans forget former Bucs wide receiver Antonio Bryant.
In writing a quick breakdown on each NFL team, Cole wrote the Bucs will rue the day they let Bryant go.
Mercurial TE Kellen Winslow returns, but getting rid of Bryant in favor of rookie Arrelious Benn might turn out bad for the Bucs.
Joe believes that philosophy is terribly short-sighted. Sure, Bryant may have been more productive this season, but just how much gas does Bryant have left in the tank? If Benn is moderately productive, it’s not crazy to predict he will be with the Bucs for 7-10 years.
Think not? Just look how long blocking icon Michael Clayton has clung to the Bucs roster despite year after year of subpar performances.
May 12th, 2010 at 8:58 am
Bryant came back under Gruden, kept his mouth shut and had one productive year. Under Rah Rah, who doesn’t esactly embody the definition of self control, Bryant shot his mouth off, rarely played and when he did, played poorly.
In addition, Bryant has never shown he can play well with others. I just wonder how long it will take him to get a chip on his shoulder because Ocho Cincho is getting the ball more than he is and then cause disruptions in the lockerroom.
May 12th, 2010 at 9:00 am
Dude, Bryant only missed three games last year and he led the team in receptions. What freaking planet are you on???? Stop the lies!
May 12th, 2010 at 9:04 am
No reason that had to be an either/or proposition. Keep AB and draft Benn if he is a great prospect. That creates competition and the team would not have been counting on a rookie wideout. Nuttin to lose but some Glazer cash.
The real “swap” comparison is Benn v. Brandon Marshall. But, thats “rookie” money vs. 47 million. Not to hard to determine where the Glazer boys came down on that one.
May 12th, 2010 at 9:13 am
I am a fan of Mike Williams pick, but not really a fan of Benn. He had this alligator arms syndrome once in a while in College. People point out his QB, but I have never seen him catch an uncatchable ball, not really a circus catcher like Marshall or Bryant. Benn is a guy that needs perfectly thrown balls (closer to his body), what he does well is YAC by breaking tackles. What happened happened and I am glad we did not get Golden Tate who many regard as a deep threat, but is not really one.
MW can be a swap of Bryant btw.
May 12th, 2010 at 9:19 am
Check your facts dude. Kellen Winslow led the team in receptions with 77. Bryant had 39 catches while that may have led all recievers it is hardly a good performance. Sammie Straughter, a rookie like Benn, also missed three games and had nearly the same amount of catches. (31)
Bryant did not have a good year by any stretch. One good year in 08 does not prove that he is an elite reciever.
Also in that Carolina game that Josh Freeman had 5 INTs at least 3 of them were due to trying to force the ball to Bryant because of all the bitching he had done the previous week.
They don’t need that guy on this team.
May 12th, 2010 at 9:20 am
According to, the receiving leader was Kellen Winslow.
Bryant and Stroughter posted similar numbers (each less than half of K2).
Kellen Winslow 77
Antonio Bryant 39
Sammie Stroughter 31
AB did not lead the team in receptions, not even close.
May 12th, 2010 at 9:20 am
Eric, I still see no logical reasoning about why Bucs were never interested in the best WR of NFL (Marshall). But I understand why they wanted to get rid of AB. You had a coaching staff that was taking so much heat from the fans and media and here you had a WR who was whining about not getting enough attention in the media, blaming Olson the OC.
May 12th, 2010 at 9:25 am
d-money – “Also in that Carolina game that Josh Freeman had 5 INTs at least 3 of them were due to trying to force the ball to Bryant because of all the bitching he had done the previous week.”
What, did you have dinner with Freeman? Please. Another anonymous expert.
May 12th, 2010 at 9:29 am
One interception that was intended for Bryant (which would have been a touchdown) was hardly forced. It was a fantastic play by Jon Beeson, as evidenced in the youtube video you linked to yesterday. Bryant was wide open in the end zone but Beeson made the play of the year.
No way I could blame that on Freeman… or Bryant’s “bitching.”
May 12th, 2010 at 9:35 am
@ Philip, Have you watched both of the Saints games? Two interceptions from each of those games because Bryant quitting on slant routes, one interception because of Bryant not hustling for the ball. You ever watch Marshall and Hines Ward play, they try their best to make sure opposing defender does not make a catch out of a poorly thrown ball by violating any rule out there (offensive pass interference).
May 12th, 2010 at 9:41 am
“Please. Another anonymous expert.”
I don’t claim to be an Expert i just know that that was the game that Olsen decided to “open up” the offense. part of the reason he was trying to open things up was becasue Bryant was complaining about not getting the ball.
“One interception that was intended for Bryant”…. was hardly forced.
Ok so that was one out of 5.
May 12th, 2010 at 9:48 am
Bryant is a talent and I’m was for keeping him another year. We didn’t. We did draft 2 potentially very talented WR’s and I think in short time, we’ll forget all about Bryant. If we kept Bryant, surely the Bucs thought process during the draft would have changed and we would not have Williams and\or Benn right now.
May 12th, 2010 at 9:58 am
I have watched Benn for 3 years at Illinos he had a horriable year last year they say cause of the QB . Which is a good a excuse but it was the same QB that threw him the ball when he was a freshman when he became Big ten Freshman of the year. With him and Williams it is a boom or bust I am little afraid about both Williams just seems like a problem wating to happen just listing to his interviews
May 12th, 2010 at 10:01 am
The “causing interceptions” thing is just absurd.
The man was playing on a bum knee and still got over 100 yards in the Carolina game and a 47 yard t.d. in the first Atlanta game when the season was totally over.
He was the leading wide receiver, Winslow was the leading overall receiver. He opened things up for Winslow because other teams viewed him as an offensive threat.
As for complaining, he stated he wanted more passes thrown to him. What receiver doesn’t? Ever seen the bucs super bowl video? Jerry Rice is chewing everybody out for not throwing him the ball.
And, BTW how much “bitching” did Clayton do, and he was rewarded with a huge contract! How many times has he let the slant go through his hands and it got picked? 16 catches for the whole season and people get on Bryant’s case?
The extent folks will go to trash a guy and cover for the Glazer boys is unbelievable.
Well see if the bucs can cover this guy soon enough, they have a date in Cincy.
May 12th, 2010 at 10:08 am
“Jerry Rice is chewing everybody out for not throwing him the ball”
Apples to oranges buddy.
Jerry rice had an NFL MVP throwing him the ball. He knows what he needs to do to get the ball into a recievers hands.
Bryant was playing with a Rookie QB that is just learning the offense and how to read deffense.
May 12th, 2010 at 10:12 am
AB had a good year considering he was injured the first half of the year and had inconsistent QB play. He still led all WR’s in receptions — even sitting out 3 games. Benn and Williams may make everyone forget AB in a couple years, but the passing game this year is going to be painful. The Bucs didn’t do Freeman any favors for letting AB go just to save a few bucks.
I’m betting AB’s 2010 stats will eclipse those of Benn and Williams — combined.
May 12th, 2010 at 10:17 am
I do not get the infatuation with Antonio Bryant. He was decent and had two good years… in his entire career. Signing him was a good move for the Bucs for a couple years. NOT singing him to a big contract was a GREAT move for the bucs.
The guy is never healthy. 1 good year in Cleveland and 1 year in Tampa he was healthy and had good numbers. 2 years in Dallas he was decent for a rookie.
2 real good years and a couple decent ones deos not justify 10 million a year and a long term conract. 2 years out of 8, that is what he has done. He is not worth a Clayton contract in my opinon, of course neither is Clayton, but that is a different story.
Between Benn, Williams, Stroughter and K2 and maybe a resurgent Brown and an “on notice” Stovall my guess is 3 of them step up.
If only Williams OR Benn becomes a starter for the next 8 years along with Stroughter and K2, that is fine. It is part of the reason for selecting 2 WRs and 2 DTs. They were areas of need and they hit them hard figuring someone will land and be a good pick and if both do, then excellent, now those are areas of strength.
Don’t know how the rookies will turn out, but Bryant was not worth but maybe 1/3 what he thought he was.
May 12th, 2010 at 10:25 am
When did AB say anything about Freeman?
He complained that the gameplan didn’t include getting him the ball more.
And, if Olson changed the game plan, causing Freeman to force the ball the AB (who was the best receiver), what kind of offensive coordinator is he anyhow?
Endless excuses, unbelievable.
May 12th, 2010 at 10:30 am
@ Eric I ddi see one game when AB did not finfish his route it was the Saints home game he looked like he was suppouse to run and in route Freeman anticpated for AB to keep runnig he stopped and Jenkins for the Saints INT the ball. But Freeman is someone who will force the ball like the 1st play of the JEts Game he threw in Triple Covarage then the rest of the game he threw at Revis
May 12th, 2010 at 10:40 am
I never said he complained about Freeman. But if the rookie Quarterback keeps hearing the veteran reciever saying that he isn’t getting the ball enough then its going to get into his head.
Its my opinion that it caused Freeman to press. You might not agree that it directly caused INTs but at the very least It was’t helpful in the development of the young guarterbacck.
And what makes you think that Bryant is so great? He had one good season. ONE.
You guys keep sayin why these rookies arent going to do this or that but Straughter had nearly the same amount of catches as Bryant and he wasn’t even a starter and he also missed three games…and he returned a kick for a TD.
You are so blinded by thinking everything the team does is wrong that you can’t see that Bryant has only proven one thing….that he is an OK reciever who is not very consistant.
May 12th, 2010 at 10:41 am
39 catches, 600 yards and 4 TDs.
Those are the facts. Those are ABs stats from last year. Not exactly mind blowing. He constantly was leaving games or missing them entirely due to his knee. He gave up on numerous off target passes and didn’t even attempt to stop the interception. Then he bitched because he wasn’t getting ball enough.
Some of you want to think he would have returned to his 2008 form if we had resigned him. That is a dangerous bet. In his two years here he did make 7 or 8 amazing catches, but he is a professional drifter and getting old…fresh off knee surgery. I like the odds on Benn/Williams much more than Bryant. I’m glad we are looking to the future.
We have two young stud WRs to talk about and get excited about. Why are we still talking about some 30 year old guy that wasted away his career, spent two years here, and is now a Bengal?
May 12th, 2010 at 10:45 am
Well said Jdouble.
Im done with this conversation. Im going to go look at that picture of Carmella Joe put up.
May 12th, 2010 at 10:52 am
Well now that the bucs have rid themselves of the horrible cancer that is Antonio Bryant, Mr. Freeman’s numbers should skyrocket.
Always happens with second year QB and rookies. Works every time.
Just ask the Lions.
May 12th, 2010 at 10:53 am
Whwn did the Lions have a second year QB and rookie recievers?
May 12th, 2010 at 11:09 am
@JDOuble Joey Harrignton and Charles Rogers
May 12th, 2010 at 11:13 am
Yep, Harrington/rogers.
Hard to find too many examples cause nobody else has been stupid enough to try it.
May 12th, 2010 at 11:31 am
Lol. The fact that you are comparing Freeman/Benn/Williams to Joey HArrington and Charles Rodgers says it all Eric. With your expectaions so low in life I’m sure you are rarely disappointed. How fun that must be.
May 12th, 2010 at 11:32 am
I dislike the T.O. attitude…….and Bryant is T.O. a few years younger
but with worse knee problems……..I always wondered how many of Bryants
absences were actually due to attitude.
………….yeah, I’m saying that he might have exaggerated injuries
to stay off the field and save himself for a team that wants to pay him.
It’s an attitude completely based on the T.O. model.
May 12th, 2010 at 11:41 am
God help us if Freeman isn’t better than Joey Harrington.
May 12th, 2010 at 1:29 pm
Freeman could retire tomorrow and his career would already be better than Joey Harrington’s. Sammie Stroughter could retire tomorrow and have a better career than Charles Rodges. That comparison sets the bar as low as you could possibly set the bar. It gives you a peak into Eric’s head and explains alot about his way thinking and posting.
I think Jemarcus Russel and Mike Clayton could team up to be a better duo than Harrington and Rodgers. That’s just horrible.
May 12th, 2010 at 1:54 pm
Actually, my opinion on preferring proven veteran wideouts, rather than relying on rookies is pretty mainstream.
Here is an article discussing the first round draft busts at the wideout position, and the viability of obtaining proven talent through trade.
It is you who has his head in the sand and cannot recognize any counter opinion to “the bucs had a great draft and it will all work out”.
May 12th, 2010 at 2:21 pm
Jdouble, While I’m no Harrington fan, your “Freeman could retire tomorrow and his career would already be better than Joey Harrington’s.” statement is off. Harrinton was 3-9, 12tds, 16ints, 59.9 qb rate, while Freeman was 3-6, 10tds, 18ints, 59.8 qb rate. Looks about the same to me.
May 12th, 2010 at 2:47 pm
I meant Freeman’s 9 games was better than Harrington’s entire career.
May 12th, 2010 at 3:14 pm
To be realistic, we need to assume one of the two WR’s we drafted will end up being a bust. If they both make it, that’s a bonus. But, it’s just too optimistic to think both will be great.
May 12th, 2010 at 4:06 pm
Eric said:
“The real “swap” comparison is Benn v. Brandon Marshall. But, thats “rookie” money vs. 47 million. Not to hard to determine where the Glazer boys came down on that one.”
Oh boy . . . . Eric, Eric, Eric.
Isn’t part of the comparison 2 second round draft picks? Isn’t it unfair to raise the money issue without even giving a passing thought to the possibility that 2 second round picks was part of the issue?
May 12th, 2010 at 4:15 pm
I am aware it was two second rounders, yea.
IMO the 47 million was the more likely dispositive factor.
May 12th, 2010 at 5:55 pm
Eric — just trying to keep it fair. 🙂
May 12th, 2010 at 11:24 pm
Phillip, DUDE, if you think grabbing 39 balls is a great year or even a mediocre one for an experienced pro, then I not only wonder what planet you are from, but what you were smoking when you were there. (d-money) didn’t have to have dinner with Bryant to know he lobbied Freeman hard to get him the ball before the game, the Fox analysts mentioned it during the game a few times. All you had to do was listen, dude.