No Colt McCoy On Opening Day
April 26th, 2010
"You keep that kid fresh for me, Mike."
When Joe saw the Browns select quarterback Colt McCoy in the third round, Joe started hoping McCoy would start for Cleveland on opening day in Tampa.
Joe was having visions of Gerald McCoy and Stylez White breaking the young man in half.
And Joe even fantasized a sold-out crowd with Rachel Watson sitting at just the right angle one row in front of him.
But that fantasy has no chance, says Browns personnel czar Mike Holmgren.
Holmgren told BSPN that McCoy will not play in 2010 because he’s saving him for Chucky rookie quarterbacks can be damaged permanently.
Holmgren, who has coached Hall of Famers Joe Montana and Steve Young and Brett Favre, said teams run the risk of “scarring” a young quarterback by playing him too soon.
Joe sure hopes Josh Freeman isn’t “scarred.” Joe highly doubts that happened.
April 26th, 2010 at 12:22 pm
Hey Joe. This has nothing to do with this post.
Maybe I missed it but is Justin going to do a draft wrap up or anything like that.
After all the great info leading up to the draft to not have a wrap up makes me feel kind of cheap and dirty.
Kind of like one of those cheerleaders that Joe kicks out of his house at 8am on a Sunday morning.
April 26th, 2010 at 12:42 pm
@d-money wrote: “Kind of like one of those cheerleaders that Joe kicks out of his house at 8am on a Sunday morning.”
Were you referring to those Panther cheerleaders?
April 26th, 2010 at 12:47 pm
“saving him for Chucky”
I can hear it now “quit f’n yodeling you stupid (insert profanity)”.
BTW, Chucky may have cost that Clausen guy a lot of $, the way he pinned him down on that INT, and the egomaniacal response.
I wonder if the QB’s will be doing Chucky’s show next year?
April 26th, 2010 at 12:49 pm
@Eric – It depends. Look what it did for Tebow!
My question is this – if there is a lockout (I’m thinking more & more it will happen) will the draft go on?
April 26th, 2010 at 3:58 pm
Hey Joe – shows what you know.
I’m waiting for Jerry Johnson’s call first!
April 26th, 2010 at 6:24 pm
Joe, what gives. That’s twice today with a RW reference w/o a link! Restraining order kicking in?:)