Chucky’s Back In Coaching (Sort Of)
March 3rd, 2010
"Hey Tebow, this isn't no f''ing Bible school you hired me for and it isn't my g-damned problem Urban Meyer couldn''t teach you how to throw a f''ing football the right g-damned way! Jimminy Christmas!"
Chucky is getting tired of hanging out in his bunker at the Ice Palace and dealing with the Bolcheviks in Bristol and is itching to get back to coaching.
So he has. He’s the newest tutor of H-back tight end fullback quarterback Tim Tebow.
Earlier in the week, a Chucky intimate and acolyte Rich Gannon, on Sirius NFL Radio, talked about how Chucky is now Tebow’s newest quarterback coach, as the former Gators great tries to transform himself from that gimmicky, schlocky spread-option tripe into an NFL quarterback.
This is another in a long line of quarterback gurus that Tebow has hired — former Bucs coach Sam Wyche is another — and so many cooks in the kitchen is beginning to concern Gannon.
“I’m worried about three or four experts in his ear,” said Gannon, the former Raiders All Pro quarterback.
Joe also wonders what the Supreme Being will think when his Chosen Son’s ears will be subjected to Chucky’s salty, foul language.
Is this why He has given us Sunshine State residents such Midwestern wintery weather in March?
Joe might have to resume going to daily Mass as a result.
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:03 am
Poor kid. He was doing so well.
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:04 am
LOL Good one JDouble.
Chucky’s track record of developing quarterbacks isn’t exactly stellar.
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:07 am
I was amazed to see that another of Tim’s tutors (wonder who is paying for all this??) is Zeke Bratkowski,Bart Starr’s long-time back up. How old must he be??
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:16 am
I beg to differ, The Glazers made Gruden shop from the dollar store. That is why we had so many Quarterbacks. He was try to find 1 good one. All the quarterbacks Gruden had, They preformed some of their best years under Gruden.
But go ahead and point at Gruden and say that he is the reason we suck. This is why the Glazers get away with lying and going cheap. It because you guys are content to blame and make wisecracks at the Last Good coach the Bucs had.
Enjoy your 5 win Season this year.
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:22 am
Gruden may know football and offense, but QB developer he is not. His QB success stories are just intelligent QB’s understanding the system, right place, right time. He hasn’t “developed” anyone.
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:43 am
“Gruden may know football and offense, but QB developer he is not.” So what! Does it really matter? Who said he was a “qb developer” to begin with?
Thanks for the Super Bowl and teams with competitiviness!
March 3rd, 2010 at 10:51 am
LOL really?
Joe can’t begin to count how many times he heard from countless NFL types what a quarterback guru Chucky was.
Why, Joe thought Chucky was the second coming of Bill Walsh he heard that so much.
Chucky is to quarterbacks what Dave Duncan is to pitchers. Veterans he works with great. Young quarterbacks he’s more butcher than savant.
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:04 am
Awesome caption on that Chucky photo Joe, that made my day. I remember when he went into a total meltdown tirade at Rob Johnson in a pre-season game…………..
Although I do admit, I miss the guy…………..
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:06 am
Thanks Eric, you are welcome.
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:06 am
SO because he didn’t develop Bruce Gradkowski and Luke Mc-clown he isn’t a QB developer?
What QB did he have while he was here that could have been “developed”?
I guess winning a Super Bowl with Brad Johnson, turning journeyman Rich Gannon into an MVP and Going to the Playoffs with cast off Jeff Garcia was just luck.
A Quarterback has to at least have a little talent of their own in order for a coach to develop them.
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:10 am
You are confusing two totally seperate things.
Joe will forever be in debt for Chucky for getting the Bucs their first Super Bowl title, something that daily drives the Dungyphiles nuts.
Chucky was not perfect however. In his years as a quarterback coach/offensive coordinator/head coach from Philadelphia through Oakland and the Bucs, depsite all the hype and panting how a quarterback genius Chucky was, he never ever developed a quarterback.
Did he tinker and make veteran quarterbacks better? Sure. But he never took a rookie quarterback and molded him into a solid starter.
So the fact that he’s been hired by Tebow’s camp to help develop his skills, to Joe, is laughable at best.
Now if Tebow’s camp wanted him to expand his vocabulary, hiring Chucky is a smart move.
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:39 am
@OAR, “Does it really matter?” Uhm, yes it does. If he’s going to “coach” a young QB, in this case Tebow, he is part of his development.
I love that Gruden brought us a championship, I’m forever greatful, but his ability to develop QB’s is poor. His preference is veterans and it’s “well documented”.
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:51 am
I have to aggree all the good QB’s he had were already groomed and playing well before he got ahold of them, but isn’t that a good idea…. Go with a sure thing
March 3rd, 2010 at 11:59 am
Rich Gannon was hardly a sure thing when Chucky got his mitts on him, to Chucky’s credit.
The best quarterbacks Chucky had who were already groomed were Brad Johnson and Jeff Garcia. Chucky only needed to fine-tuned them.
While Chucky may not be a developer of young quarterbacks, he’s no Brian Billick either.
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:00 pm
Even as a big Gruden fan I have to concede he did not have the patience to “develop a QB”. Although not sure what would have happened if Chris Sims had not been de-spleened, and he did lead the team into the playoffs against the Skins as a young QB. Otherwise, I agree with the premise.
However, if Tebow wants to learn about the intricacies of NFL offensive football id surely advise him to go speak to Chucky vs. the Dream, or Olsen. I imagine such a conversation with teh Dream might be a little lacking in substance, beyond “make a play”.
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:02 pm
Im not confusing anything. My first point was that he didn’t exactly have a great selection of QB’s while he was here and what QB’s did he have at those other teams?
Now if you want to talk about his and Allens abillity to draft a QB then that’s a different story.
Developing a QB is an overrated term that the Gruden haters use. If a guy doesnt have talent it doesn’t matter who the coach is he isn’t going to develop into anything. What succesful QB in the league was developed by a coach that didn’t already have the talent in the first place?
Do you think Payton Manning is great because he was developed by Dungy or Ben Rothlesberger because he was developed by Cowher or Tom Brady because of Bilicheck (sp?)? No they are great because the have great talent and brains.
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:02 pm
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:15 pm
Joe can think of all kinds of guys who “didn’t exactly have a great selection of QB’s” and were able to develop a quarterback.
Charlie Weis, Mike Martz and Josh McDaniels spring to mind as having castoffs and late-round draft picks to work with and groomed them into strong NFL starters.
With the possible exception of Weis, Chucky’s been around lthe NFL longer. None of them were lauded as the second coming of Paul Brown like Chucky used to be.
Look, Joe is not anti-Chucky. He talks a good game but his hype as Mr. Quarterbacks Savant doesn’t come close to the truth.
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:20 pm
Come on Joe, He is a good developer of QB’s. Name another coach that could have went to the playoff’s with Chris Simms.
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:29 pm
I dunno Joe, are you giving Weis credit for Tom Brady, McDaniels – Matt Cassal, and Martz – Kurt Warner? If so, cmonnnnnnnn.
I have a feeling Chucky could have done pretty well with those guys.
March 3rd, 2010 at 1:02 pm
Who else should get the credit for developing those guys than their coaches? Remember if those three were such locks to be studs, why did 30-some teams pass up on them multiple times?
March 3rd, 2010 at 1:45 pm
With all due respect, you are confusing development with discovery. Just like nobody developed Johny Unites, he was playing sandlot ball in Pittsburg and went undrafted. His greatness, just as with Brady and Warner, wasnt recognized.
Warner or Brady would have flourished under Chucky. Im not putting Cassal in the same category.
March 3rd, 2010 at 2:35 pm
Well, then give Holmgren the credit for “discovering” Warner since he was on the Packers roster… and cut.
Brady was not even a starter. Remember, Bledsoe got hurt against Buffalo and Brady was moved into the starting lineup, not by choice.
How come all these years Chucky hasn’t “discovered” a quarterback then?
Can’t pin the blame on the Bucs for Chucky not developing a young quarterback in Philadelphia or Oakland.
Look, Joe’s not anti-Chucky, but there is no evidence to support Chucky is any sort of a quarterback savant.
March 3rd, 2010 at 2:52 pm
I don’t think he is a QB savant. I agree he failed to develop a young QB and likely should have tried.
But, in giving the man due credit, he did some good coaching of Gannon, Garcia, Johnson. By that I mean he got the most out of those guys and even elevated their play. I think his primary talent as a coach was exploiting team weaknesses with good match ups, especially the magical Super Bowl Year.
March 3rd, 2010 at 3:04 pm
So is Joe. Joe already wrote he’s the Dave Duncan of football: Veterans he works really well with (Gannon, Johnson, Garcia). Young quarterbacks, he’s more of a butcher.
Up until maybe two years ago, virtually every football talking head spoke of Chucky as Bill Walsh II for being a quarterback wizard. It was an unjustified title.
And Joe wouldn’t have him work with Tim Tebow any more than Joe would have Brian Billick work with Tim Tebow.
March 3rd, 2010 at 3:27 pm
Nuttin like a good Chucky article to stir things up…………….
March 3rd, 2010 at 4:47 pm
You guys are missing my point. “Who cares?” cause he never developed any(rookies only veterans) in his career. So a guy gets a moniker as “QB developer” and he isn’t, but it gives everyone the right to blast him? If he said he was, that’s one thing, but others labeled him that.
“Joe can’t begin to count how many times he heard from countless NFL types what a quarterback guru Chucky was.” Exactly. Just cause someone labels you something, doesn’t mean you are.
March 3rd, 2010 at 4:47 pm
Blah, Blah, Blah…. Love the Chucky caption. Jimminy Christmas.
March 3rd, 2010 at 5:49 pm
Someone asked the Dream what kind of Moniker he wanted and he replied:
“Don’t need one I see just fine”.
March 3rd, 2010 at 6:48 pm
If and when Gruden comes back I hope marc Bulger is still playing ’cause he is the QB Chucky needs.
March 4th, 2010 at 10:02 am
This is a good thing….. for Chucky’s development. Maybe Tebow’s goodness and grace will rub off on the little tyrant and help him become a better person. Tebow has an infectious personality, and this may be Chucky’s last stop on the highway to Hell. Is it too late for the Bucs to rehire him to replace dumber and dumberer?