Bucs Can’t Use Injuries As An Excuse
March 31st, 2010
Despite Clifton Smith being a victim of a brutal assault on a kickoff return, Raheem the Dream never used injuries as an excuse.
One of the things that drove Joe nuts about Chucky was his constant whining about injuries.
Um, Chucky, this is the NFL. People get hurt all the time. Good coaches adjust and conquer.
Rarely does a Super Bowl champion not have to deal with a significant injury at some point in the season, including the Bucs (remember, Booger McFarland never played in the playoffs).
So eye-RAH! Kaufman, of the Tampa Tribune, decided to do some number crunching and found that the Bucs were the least injuried team in the NFC South last season, as he posted on the TBO.com Twitter feed.
The Bucs had 17 players make at least 12 starts in ’09. That’s the highest [number] in the division and a hint injuries weren’t the problem.
This is both an uplifting statistic, and a depressing one as well. Just how brutal were the Bucs last year that other teams’ scrubs in the NFC South regularly put a hurt on them?
Props to Raheem the Dream for never whining about an injury as his predeccesor did seemingly each week.
March 31st, 2010 at 12:19 pm
Remember when the Dream said he was going to practice more in pads and be “violent” during camp? Everyone complained that we would hurt more players. Well, that didnt happen, and more players got hurt under Chucky when he rested everyone who had a papercut or was over 30 while half of camp was in shorts. Lets give the Dream some credit here. I’m curious if any of the physical therapy, strength & conditioning, etc. staff underwent changes to prevent injuries during a more physical camp.
March 31st, 2010 at 12:39 pm
The Dream had a healthy team, which went 3-13.
Awesome job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 31st, 2010 at 12:39 pm
That’s funny Joe…
“the Bucs were the least injuried team in the NFC South last season,…”
“Props to Raheem the Dream for never whining about an injury as his predeccesor did seemingly each week.”
So, yeah I guess… props to Raheem for not whining about injuries that never happened.
I won’t forget how depressing it was watching the Michael Turnerless Falcons come back and beat us with Chris Redmon at QB.
March 31st, 2010 at 12:44 pm
March 31st, 2010 at 1:03 pm
IMHO, that season ending loss to the Falcons ruined all the momentum achieved by beating Seattle and the Saints. If this team was truely on the upswing, they should have been able to beat the injured Falcons AT HOME.
March 31st, 2010 at 1:06 pm
What momentum?
March 31st, 2010 at 1:07 pm
Joe, I to got somewhat tired of the ole injuries excuse too, but damn if we didn’t have a lot of them, yearly under Gruden(which was probablly his fault too, lol!) Truth “hurts” sometimes.
March 31st, 2010 at 1:11 pm
How many seconds into the post #3 pick interview will Raheem describe the pick as “physical and violent”. The over\under is at 8.5 seconds.
March 31st, 2010 at 2:30 pm
Injuries is something I am worried anout with this team not only are we low on talent but are depth is even more scary what if Winslow or straughter gets hurt. then who is freeman going to throw to then ? Winslow is a knee injury away from never being the same and straughter is in the same boat was hurt all through Collage. Dont get me started on if caddy goes down can Ward be depended on ?
March 31st, 2010 at 2:39 pm
If Winslow gets hurt this team — and Freeman — are in a world o’ s(p)it.
March 31st, 2010 at 4:55 pm
If our starting Wr’s get hurt , we still have Reggie Brown…
March 31st, 2010 at 7:48 pm
Joe, Gruden may have “whined”. But he sure won too! What does Raheem need to cry about. He can lose with an all healthy team! The only exciting duo last year was Bryant & Winslow. And Bryant played hurt all the time. What did that get him? He should have been more like Clayton & set records for dropped passes in the endzone. I bet Raheem prays that Winslow don’t go down early!
April 1st, 2010 at 3:12 am
I shudder to think of what happens if Winslow gets hurt. The offense would literally shut down. And Winslow has a history of getting hurt, so it is something that shouldn’t be all the surprising if it happens.
Funny but true post thedeej3000. He couldn’t complain because there was nothing to complain about. I guess he could have complained about AB and using 500 kickers and punters. And TJ was out for being stupid. And Ward was out for being a petulant child.
Trainers/strength coaches are such unsung heroes. This worries me because usually the trend goes the other way the next year. I hope this is not going to be a long season.
April 1st, 2010 at 10:00 am
Winslow also is going to be harmed by the receiver situation.
One of the things AB was pissed about was that he ran alot of clearing/decoy routes, which opened Winslow up. Not gonna be very effective with the current chaps we have at wideout.
Winlow will be good anyhow, cause he is an outstanding player, but its gonna be more difficult for him IMO.
And, of course, if the man gets hurt its a disaster.