Huge Week On

February 1st, 2010

Only a hot tub encounter with Carmella Garcia and/or Rachel Watson could get Joe more excited than he is now.

It’s going to be a big week on

Joe’s got all kinds of great stuff lined up this week, as well as a huge announcement on Saturday. … And that’s not even counting former Buccaneer Steve White’s latest Bull Rush on Wednesday and ex-Buc Jeff Carlson’s QB Blast column.

Trust Joe, you want to make a habit this week.

3 Responses to “Huge Week On”

  1. jason Says:

    No worrys Joe this site is the first one I hit for Bucs info. Love this site keep up the great work

  2. Joe Says:

    Thanks for the kind words Jason!

  3. aartyvarkbucfan Says:

    I really like your site. I check it out 2 or 3 times a day. You seem to have really good, well thought out info and are not afraid to have a little fun while your at it…maybe the caybrew at work, but that is something I understand and can appreciate…go bucs…