Raheem The Dream Quit On The Bucs
December 13th, 2009
"Sorry Capt. Lou. I was wanting to take a knee a lot earlier. I didn't want to get any of your players bruised or hurt."
Yep. That’s a tough headline to write. Not even Joe Henderson of the Tampa Tribune could bring himself to write such a sentence.
But that was certainly the inference in the column Henderson typed just after the heinous offensive performance the Bucs turned in today.
Henderson all but claims Raheem the Dream quit on the Bucs, but this Joe can read between the lines.
He cites various examples of how the Raheem the Dream, or perhaps offensive (keyword) coordinator Greg Olson, tanked on this game.
What can you say about a game plan that appears to have been made up on the back of a napkin? To wit, trailing 19-3 in the third quarter the Bucs recovered an onsides kick. Bold move, successful, nice play.
But then on fourth-and-2 at midfield on the same series, they chose to punt.
What’s it gonna be?
Exactly, if you are going to try an onside kick, why piss a good play like that away by punting on fourth down?
Henderson also crucified the decisions — Henderson didn’t cite who made the decision but the buck stops at Raheem the Dream’s feet as he is the head coach — about taking a knee at the Bucs-35 to end the half, and ran off the field even though there was a defensive penalty.
Joe wrote earlier today how he thought Raheem the Dream did a good job of turning around the defense since he defrocked defensive coordinator Jim Bates,
But it’s examples like Henderson documented where Joe wonders if Raheem the Dream being hired as the Bucs head coach wasn’t a mistake from the word “go.”
Joe can take a team taking its lumps in order to build a winner. But to quit on his own players, Joe finds that shameful. Joe thought more of Raheem the Dream than to do that.
December 13th, 2009 at 7:59 pm
Well we all know how mad and animated the Glazers can be when things are not going their way, and how they speak out and demand accountability and try to pacify the fan base…oh wait.
They got the coach they wanted because “he can relate to today’s players.” If they meant High School players, they were exactly right. Morris is the most unqualified head coach I have ever seen in the NFL. And the more he opens his mouth, the more stupid he sounds.
December 13th, 2009 at 8:17 pm
Henderson nailed it. This team is a lost cause with it’s current leadership.
December 13th, 2009 at 8:20 pm
I really hope the Glazers have initated contact with one of the big-name coaches that are out there. They need to get one of those guys locked in for next year. There’s no need to wait for this season to end and reflect on it for a week or two. Firing Morris is a no-brainer. I don’t even know if I can stand to look at him as DC.
December 13th, 2009 at 8:37 pm
Louie that’s a good point. Since Bate’s been booted the defense has improved drastically. But given his “attitude” I’ve gotta ask myself do we really want that type of cancer around next year?
At least McCoy looked/played ok today…1 bright spot 🙂
December 13th, 2009 at 8:37 pm
Wait until the draft, Then the Glazers will be mad. Having to guarantee 40 million to a new rookie. If any thing hurts the Glazers, it will be the pocket book.
December 13th, 2009 at 8:48 pm
At this point is there even a point to winning? Why screw up a chance to land Suh? These last four games are essentially live practices. Get the situational work done and prep of 2010. Who has a the tiebreaker for the first pick?
December 13th, 2009 at 8:57 pm
I can’t wait to listen to Duemig tomorrow defend “Radio” and insist the Bucs are going in the right direction and Raheem is the right man for the job. He’ll keep saying “give it time” like he did with Jim Bates the week before he was fired….err…..demoted.
December 13th, 2009 at 9:05 pm
D-Rome, what else do you expect from Duemig? Gruden wouldn’t give him access since Duemig was doing everything he could to run him out of town, and Radio is his best bud! I stopped listening to Duemig and sh*t for brains Sileo at the beginning of the season. Maybe WDAE will finally realize the talent they have in Justin and Derrick and will fire Sileo, but that’s wishful thinking!
December 13th, 2009 at 9:06 pm
you’re seriously going to critique taking a knee with 4 seconds left on the 35 and declining a penalty? and its pretty obvious why they chose to punt, we were getting our butts kicked in the field position game, and with it still being 2 scores, they wanted to pin them deep and live to fight another down, play for field position at that point.
you guys have no clue about football. raheem obviously wasnt ready for the job and its showing, but this loss has much more to do with the playcalling and game management on offense. that and the fact that our punter was absolutely horrible and giving them great field position every time. you combine that with the weak talent we already have and there you go. raheem still called a good game on defense.
joe, you and henderson are clearly morons when it comes to the ins and outs of football. you have no idea who or what to blame, so you just start attacking everything. blame where the blame should go, im so sick of these knee jerk reactions. the blame starts at the top with ownership and management. the way this roster was put together, and the way the coaching staff was hired is exactly where the blame should go. and the coaching staff was put together by management and ownership, not raheem. you should probably know that.
and also, gannon said the OFFENSE had a horrible practice. raheem just might have been busy putting a game plan and coaching the defense, just a thought. we need to seriously consider either getting a new o-coordinator, or bringing im some kind of consultant to help this coaching staff if were going to stick with them.
December 13th, 2009 at 9:12 pm
Its all good Joe because the buccaneers have gotten their last 4000.00 dollars from this season ticket holder since 1990, I quit on the bucs now they are a joke raheem IMO couldnt even be a good high school coach, so come the last home game unless changes are made they lost me and my 4 seats, its quite the embarrassment at the stadium my boys bought club seats today for 25 dollars.
December 13th, 2009 at 9:13 pm
Phil, thanks for making our point.
December 13th, 2009 at 9:14 pm
Yeah like raheem said today its an 8-8 league well guess thats why we have 1 win you f^cking moron Raheem has made me hate the bucs, Brad Culpepper today could barely contain himself on the pregame.
December 13th, 2009 at 9:22 pm
I hope he quits for real he is an asshole
December 13th, 2009 at 9:24 pm
December 13th, 2009 at 9:32 pm
no problem louie. its obvious raheem and this coaching staff are over their head. what i get mad about is the unwarranted attacks, people just grasping for things to blame when they clearly arent there. its a theme with the media and i am quite sick of it. saying raheem quit on his team because he took a knee with 4 seconds left and declined a penalty with 0 seconds left at their own 35 yard line? get outa here with that crap you clueless morons.
December 13th, 2009 at 10:15 pm
Come on Phil. That’s gutless football.
Joe can understand if it was a close game and the Bucs are in the fight for a playoff berth.
What was there to lose? Joe thought Raheem was going to play fearless football?
Only cheap, lazy high school football coaches who don’t have two-minute offenses give up that easily. As Henderson pointed out, perhaps the Bucs could have drawn a flag for defensive interference and set up for a possible field goal.
Like the Bucs would have lost if the play went afoul?
December 13th, 2009 at 10:43 pm
We may have lost, but at least it was easy for Raheem to walk across the field to shake Ryan’s hand. I’m sure Rex left thinking that he just played “a bunch of babies that are going to get better together and grow together”.
December 13th, 2009 at 10:45 pm
I’m sure every Bucs player loved hearing their coach describe them so eloquently.
December 13th, 2009 at 10:58 pm
Joe here,
FlBoy84, with your shake-the-hand line, Joe put down his Caybrew to applaud you. Funny stuff. Well said.
December 14th, 2009 at 12:20 am
Thanks. I, and the Bucs, are here to amuse. LOL
December 14th, 2009 at 1:09 am
*The Bucs and I
December 14th, 2009 at 6:49 pm
One thing about Raheem though. He is consistently inconsistent.