Losing Is Feeling Better For Raheem
December 7th, 2009
Raheem The Dream says his postgame "handshakes across the field are getting easier." Joe suspects postgame handshakes for Joel Glazer are getting more painful.
For months Joe has advised Raheem The Dream to stop talking so much. He needs to realize that making sense to the media is not his strength.
Just recognize it and clam up, coach. It’s for your own good. Joe is trying to help.
For example, today Raheem The Dream tried to explain that losing lately is a little easier to tolerate because his team is improving.
“Handshakes across the field are getting easier,” Raheem The Dream said, referring to his team being more competitive. [Opposing coaches] understand. …[And the Bucs’ players,] they know. They got a feeling.”
Sorry, coach. This is ridiculous, although Joe understands what you’re trying to spit out.
Joe could understand if Raheem The Dream busted out this kind of moral victory garbage after the Bucs, say, lost to the Saints in overtime or played New England to the wire in London.
But these Bucs just choked away two games to non-playoff teams starting backup quarterbacks. Those postgame “handshakes” should have been the most painful of Raheem The Dream’s career, not “easier.”
December 7th, 2009 at 4:55 pm
Morris might only have 4 more opportunities to shake hands with the opposing coach after the game, so he better enjoy it while he can.
December 7th, 2009 at 6:18 pm
Most painful? With a rookie QB starting his 4th and 5th game?
December 7th, 2009 at 6:30 pm
Joe here,
JoeMurgia, absolutely, “most painful.” Raheem has a short career. He’s the head coach. He should be in absolute agony over dropping the last two games, especially on top of the Miami game.
He expects the most from his players and himself, and ultimately he’ll be graded by wins and losses first and foremost.
Raheem should be almost gray by now, not feeling better about handshakes because other coaches are starting to realize the Bucs are a half step above completely horrendous.
There are few, if ever, any moral victories. Choking against two non-playoff teams should not provide any solace to the head coach. Maybe to some fans, but surely not the head coach.
December 7th, 2009 at 6:59 pm
I disagree. And I don’t feel that they choked. Freeman struggled mightily yesterday and the week before, our D had multiple goal line stops until they finally gave up the TD.
Team is still playing hard at 1-11. Amazing.
I understand where Morris is coming from. Maybe he should just keep it to himself.
December 7th, 2009 at 7:44 pm
We’re worse the Raiders, and they’re staring one of our cast-off QBs.
December 7th, 2009 at 9:59 pm
Yep George, that about says it all!
December 7th, 2009 at 11:04 pm
Today I researched how long the Glazers signed Morris for. And it was FOUR years. Now I wasn’t a math major, but with the Glazers cheap ass ways, there is no way in hell they will continue to pay Gruden and Allen in 2010, pay Morris and Dominick in 2010-12 (presuming they would be fired like all the fans are calling for, PLUS hire another big name coach and GM. It ain’t gonna happen folks. Morris will be here in 2010. After GruAllen’s money comes off the books, then all bets are off for Morris’s life expectancy with this team.
December 8th, 2009 at 12:37 am
Wanna bet. Raheem is history. The loss of ticket revenue and clothing sales far outweighs the pittance Raheem gets paid. Terminate for cause as perfected by Al Davis. Offer Gruden his job back and when he says no, he’s off the payroll too. If he accepts your batter off than with these goofballs. Rocket Science 101
December 8th, 2009 at 12:42 am
Give Gruden back his job make morris DC and they don’t lose any money at all best scenario for tight ass Glazer family!
December 8th, 2009 at 4:37 pm
If they do keep Raheem, I know plenty of people that have refused to spend one more dime on tickets or even for their jerseys until a PROVEN head coach is put into place!
December 8th, 2009 at 7:37 pm
Yes Tye, you can lump me into that category.
December 9th, 2009 at 1:58 am
I’m one of those people too Tye! Instead of spending $400 MINIMUM to attend a home game, I’d prefer to do what I did this weekend–switch over and watch a competitive game on CBS. Although, Joe did peek my interest on a video of the lesbian Carolina cheerleaders, so I’m still waiting on that link buddy!