Insulting Loss Puts Raheem On Thin Ice
December 14th, 2009
"Hey, that clown over there, Greg Olson, he coaches the offense. I don't coach that rotten offense!"
Not all those who watch the Bucs are given to knee-jerk reactions. Consider longtime St. Petersburg Times columnist Gary Shelton among them.
So when he is beginning to question the job security of Raheem the Dream, maybe the Bucs first-year coach really is up to his chin in trouble.
After seeing a near-full season of the Bucs flop like helpless fish on land, Shelton is beginning to think Raheem the Dream may not be long for the Bucs.
With every defeat, the question seems more reasonable. With every empty seat, with every unsuccessful drive, with every step the Bucs take toward a possible 1-15 season, it becomes easier to wonder about the future of the franchise, and the future of its head coach, and whether those two are necessarily intertwined.
Put it this way: If NFL coaches were politicians who had to run for their offices, would you vote for Morris in 2010?
Answer: Unless he ran more successfully than his Bucs, probably not.
This is the corner Raheem the Dream has painted himself into. Before the season begin, he canned offensive coordinator Jeff Jagodzinski. So yesterday’s offense, which was as impotent as Connie Chung, cannot be blamed on him.
Sure the Bucs defense was more heinous than Susan Boyle with now-defrocked defensive coordinator Jim Bates. At least had Raheem the Dream kept him, he could have thrown Bates to the curb next month in an effort to secure his job.
It’s really difficult for Joe to believe that the absence of Michael Clayton and Sammie Stroughter would be the sole reason the Bucs couldn’t convert a third down in 14 tries.
Now, all the scapegoats are gone, with the possible exception of Greg Olson. The only one really left is Raheem the Dream.
No where for Raheem the Dream to hide.
December 14th, 2009 at 9:54 am
Hey Joe you got it all wrong. I’m NOT impotent. In fact I know more tricks than the Bucs.
By the way I can score on a Sunday WAY quicker than Greg Olson – just ask Murray
So stop the slams will ya?
December 14th, 2009 at 9:59 am
Hey Joe you don’t know what you’re talking about sir.
I’ll have you know that I has the #1 selling album when it debuted.
Sure I may LOOK like an old hag but when I sing it turns to gold. Your Bucs on the other hand look like Pewter on paper but play like an old hag – with or without Mr. Bates.