Vacation Man Writing In Circles
October 14th, 2009
The signing of vaunted wide receiver Yamon Figurs figures to be a sign that the debut of Josh Freeman is just around the corner.
Yesterday when Joe learned that the Bucs signed castoff wide receiver Yamon Figurs, the first thing Joe thought of was, “Here comes Josh Freeman.”
You see, Figurs played with Freeman at Kansas State.
Vacation Man of was thinking the same thing, then must have been distracted by gawking at Bucs cheerleader pictures online because he went off the deep end.
Give the Bucs credit for not getting caught up in the name game with Jones and Tyree. Yes, they’re better known than Figurs, but there are reasons why they were available.
Wait a minute, so Vacation Man is suggesting there was no good reason why Figurs was walking the streets? Please.
Joe’s not saying the Bucs should have signed Jones (no!) or Tyree. Personally, Joe was hoping the pride of St. Petersburg Catholic, Chris Davis, was signed.
But if the Bucs had to drag some guy out of the unemployment line just because he played with Freeman once upon a time and may help Freeman, that tells Joe that the Bucs are reaching for ways to speed up Freeman’s development almost as bad as they reached to trade up in the first round to acquire Freeman in the first place.
October 14th, 2009 at 10:07 am
Fuck that we should pickup Matt Jones. Hell it might only cost us league minimum and an 8 Ball. We can coach him on when the drug test takes place.
October 14th, 2009 at 11:29 am
No need to put Freeman in with this motley crew…yet! I would hate to see him destroyed (DAVID CARr, for example). It is not a matter of if he, Freeman, is or is not ready, it is a matter of can he be surrounded by guys that will catch balls and build his confidence as a QB. Needless to say, that the make-up of this offense is not yet ready for Freeman, not is Freeman ready for the offense. We need to ride it out with Johnson, who is doing well considering the unfavorable cast of receivers and coordinators.
October 14th, 2009 at 11:36 am
Thank you! Great analogy. The people who are screaming for Josh Freeman to start easily forget what happened to David Carr, who got slaughtered and ruined due to a true sieve of an offensive line.
The way the Bucs offensive line has pass blocked thus far, putting Freeman in would be borderline manslaughter charges on Raheem the Dream.
October 14th, 2009 at 2:21 pm
Right another smoke screen from the ultimate conman, he brings this ksu turd in here and makes everybody think freeman is about to play the truth is he is here to sit on the bench next to the homesick crybaby and hold his hand!
October 14th, 2009 at 3:39 pm
It could be because Figurs has 4.27 speed (and he played with Freeman) he might help to back the safety’s off which would help much and maybe steal a long TD…….. i bet he dont drop 7 out of 17 balls like another WR on game day……. why not see what he can do to help,he’ll come cheap, fits in with the game plan.
October 14th, 2009 at 5:05 pm
that picture of freeman where they are standing around him should read “look everybody I made a giant poopy”