Bills 33, Bucs 20

September 20th, 2009

Bills 33, Bucs 20

Joe had some thoughts on the final quarter. Depressing loss and Joe doesn’t really know when the Bucs can get a win before the trip to London.

And don’t you dare go anywhere else. Joe will have tons more about this awful loss through the evening. Check back early and often.

Better yet, don’t go anywhere.

* A Gaines Adams sighting (outside of a dumb play)! Dude chased Trent Edwards out of bounds. Take whatever positives you can get, man.

* Bucs defense tightens just in the nick of time.

* Strong hit by Jermaine Phillips to force a fourth down.

* Bucs secondary is playing well now, despite being thin.

* Where is the blocking? The offensive line has vanished.

* A Brad Johnson Bucs jersey spotted.

* Leftwich is not getting any time to throw.

* Is it too early to stop running with 11:13 left?

* Fine catch by K2 but he was too short. Either he needs to run deeper routes or Leftwich needs to throw deeper, provided he gets time.

* Bucs defense needs to step up. A Buffalo score could be the ballgame.

* Stupid penalty by Ronde Barber. He knows better than that. This doesn’t look good.

* Owens with a touchdown. Dave Moore of the Bucs radio network was right. The Bills have been trying to go deep right all game. Moore said that would cost the Bucs. It did. This looks grim.

* A Steve Young Bucs creamsicle uniform in the house!

* Mo Stovall again with a catch. Does he know what month it is?

* Great job by Leftwich and Caddy for a first down. How about some blocking boys?

* Come on Lefty, the King of Turds was wide open! You have to make that pass.

* The offensive line is a sieve right now. How about a screen pass?

* Mo Stovall with a big catch! Doesn’t he know it’s not August. Has he seen a calendar?

* Again, no push by the offensive line.

* Dave Moore wants a bootleg. Seriously? By Leftwich?

* Maybe a draw?

* KING OF TURDS!!! This guy can make big plays, among other things.

* Not sure about that kickoff. Either kick in onsides or boot it deep.

* Just when the Bucs need a stop, they let Jackson run free. They looked tired. So much for all that work in the heat. Buffalo in the early evening in late-September isn’t that hot and humid.

* Field goal by the Bills keeps a miracle possible. But without blocking it won’t matter.

* Joe thought the offensive line was the strongest unit on the team. They’re horrible today. Leftwich is absolutely getting beat up. Joe doesn’t buy that Jeff Faine’s injury suddenly turned the offensive line into Swiss cheese.

5 Responses to “Bills 33, Bucs 20”

  1. george c. costanza Says:

    very depressed, Joe. taking a Benadryl and going to bed. maybe next week.

  2. ALDO Says:

    im so pissed of, so sad, so depress, man what a lack of heart in all that players!! plz we need to cut gaines adams!!! he is OFICIALLY a BUST!!!! if we send him to another team for a 4 to 7 pick we are ok, bcuz he is a BUST!!! an for the next draft, we are top 5 so we should draft between DT Suh and SS Mays.

  3. RastaMon Says:

    and to think they did all that….
    without Josh Freeman

  4. Phil a '76 Buc Says:

    Cut Gaines Adams now! Send a message to the rest of the team. Our best D-lineman was Tim Crowder who has been here less than one week. This week the coaching preperation should be to screen everyones practice squad and make about 36 personnel changes.
    Detroit look out we are gaining on you!

  5. RastaMon Says:

    this is an opium season