Thank you, Tanard Jackson
August 25th, 2009
Jermaine Phillips comes home to safety
Linebebacker Jermaine Phillips has returned to safety until further notice, Raheem The Dream told the media today.
Joe is relieved. Joe suspects Raheem The Dream is feeling better, too.
The grand experiment to move the 30-year-old Phillips to linebacker was a poor decision that was progressing slowly, if at all. Loyal readers know that Joe has pounded this message for months.
Tanard Jackson’s four-game suspension for excessive partying substance abuse prompted the decision, Raheem The Dream said.
And now stabbing victim and former Florida State linebacker Geno Hayes or Adam Heyward will be the new starting weakside linebacker, writes Woody Cummings of the Tampa Tribune.
The Flip side of this equation will have Geno Hayes and Adam Hayward battling for starting duties at weakside linebacker. That’s the spot Phillips was playing.
Joe can’t help but think of Mark Dominik saying linebacker was the Bucs’ strongest position on the field weeks ago. Joe wonders what Dominik thinks now that Angelo Crowell is out for the year and Jermaine Phillips has been moved.
Given the performances and happenings of the past two weeks, Joe believes linebacker may, in fact, be the weakest unit on the defense.
August 25th, 2009 at 3:03 pm
Lee, I’m mean Joe, Flip actually showed well at OLB this past game. He was around the ball, and, most importantly, was not locking onto blocks. In my opinion he was showing some surprising LB instincts for someone who hasn’t played the position for long. He was setting up camp in the opposition’s back field and that always bodes well for a linebacker.
August 25th, 2009 at 3:26 pm
just wandering, i’ve heard that flip has had trouble in pass protection while playing linebacker. He has never been the best of cover safeties in the league. Hasnt he gained weight to play LB? He might be stuck in between. It is always good just to have a heavy hitting presence at safety, but i just cant see him staying close to guys like steve smith or mike jenkins, or some of the saints receivers.
August 25th, 2009 at 9:16 pm
Re-sign #55 Raheem. Even if he plays in 30% of the plays, his work ethic alone, and the depth he provides, will help you in that locker room when you start off 1-6.
August 26th, 2009 at 8:48 am
Joe here,
Chris, did Flip reallhy show well, or were we just impressed that he resembled a linebacker somewhat? By his own admission and Raheem’s, Flip gets an A for effort but is far from there yet at LB.
August 26th, 2009 at 8:48 am
Mike, #55 will not return to Bucs as a player. Get over it and move on. But I certainly appreciate your optimistic prediction. Remember, we finished the season 0-4 with double nickel.
August 26th, 2009 at 8:52 am
Joe, Flip showed well and looked like a LB. He certainly didn’t flash like Brooks in his day; but who in the history of league has? But he didn’t get caught in traffic like Jamie Duncan. All in all, I thought he played well, and I would assume that he graded out pretty well with the coaching staff. Someone explain to me in detail what he didn’t do and I’ll eat crow.
August 26th, 2009 at 12:51 pm
Chris, I hate to shoot your foot, but double nickel(injured) wasn’t the reason we finished 0-4.
August 26th, 2009 at 1:18 pm
OAR, it was just a point. What’s the difference between the Bucs starting 1-6 without him as compared to finishing 0-4 with him? Now, you can use that injured excuse all you want, but look at film of his play over the last couple of years and you will see that his play had definitely been slipping. Trust me it hurts to even write anything remotely negative of Brooks because of the profound respect I have for the man and the player, but you’re blind if you don’t admit that he is not the same baller he once was…just my humble opinion.
August 26th, 2009 at 1:43 pm
Chris, I’m not defending Brook’s decline in his abilities over the last 2 years (everybody gets older dude), my point was he was not THE reason for our fall. Heck look at the film and you’ll see Ruud fizzzling out at the end of last year, too. Brooks was injured and was playing cause they had no one step up and fill his shoes, which by the way, those that did not step up are our starters this year(let’s hope they will this year).