Cadillac Doesn’t Seem Impressed With Offense
August 8th, 2009
Cadillac Williams may not be fully convinced of the new offense led by offensive coordinator Jeff Jagodzinski.
Let’s just say that, unlike Michael Clayton, Cadillac Williams isn’t totally sold on the new offense of Jeff Jagodzinski. At least he didn’t act like he was.
Earlier in the week when Clayton was asked by Joe what he thought of the new offense, he belted out, “I love it!”
Williams was just a bit more, um, reserved.
When Joe asked Cadillac Saturday if he liked the offense, naturally Williams said, yes. But when asked if he thought Jagodzinski’s offense is better than Chucky’s, Williams gave a curious response.
“Time will tell.”
Clearly Williams is giddy to be back on the football field and smiled broadly while signing autographs for a mob scene of fans. Whenever he touched the ball, the crowd came alive. If there is a fan favorite thus far in training camp, it’s the Cadillac.
August 8th, 2009 at 4:13 pm
that was a reasoned response, in my view, Joe.
course, you can say “time will tell” to any question.
but time will tell — about everything.
August 8th, 2009 at 8:38 pm
Joe didn’t really know what to make when Cadillac said that. He wasn’t angry; he had a smile when he said that.
But 99 percent of the time if you ask a player what he likes about his offense/defense, he will rave about it. See Michael Clayton and Ryan Sims for example.
What Cadillac said just seemed so out of place. He may have meant absolutely nothing by it. Dunno.
August 10th, 2009 at 9:01 am
Time will tell if he can back on the field; time will tell if he will even make the final roster; time will tell if he doesn’t get injured once again; time will tell if he even contributes in the league this year. I can see where his comment may have more to do with his personal situation then it does to his feelings on the scheme’s potential. Personally, I feel the zone blocking scheme suites his running style and should make him better. At his worst, Caddy had a knack for running into the back side of his blockers. When healty, he has a gift of changing directions while maintaining speed and this scheme should compliment that.