Raheem Doesn’t Like Motorcycles, Secrets
June 19th, 2009
Raheem the Dream claims his team has no secrets. Then why won't he admit why Arron Sears is hiding in Arkansas?
Interesting article published earlier this week from Chris Harry of the Orlando Sentinel. Seems as if Raheem the Dream laid down the law on his team.
He wasn’t too fond of Stylez White nearly killing himself on his motorcycle earlier this month and scolded the players as a result.
After perfunctory points about work ethic and expectations, Morris deviated for a moment on behalf of defensive end Stylez G. White.
“No motorcycles!” Morris exclaimed. “And I shouldn’t even have to say it.”
Raheem is right. So long as a guy is pulling an NFL check, he should have enough common sense not to ride these death machines.
But then Raheem the Dream decided to step in it when he had another declaration.
“We have no secrets on this team,” Morris said. “We hold nothing back.”
Really? Then why not come clean about what’s wrong with Arron Sears and why he is hiding in Arkansas? If he’s suffering from depression, say so. There’s no shame in that. This is the 21st Century. Depression is commonly caused by a chemical imbalance, a treatable medical issue.
There’s less shame in suffering from depression than there is in battling herpes or ringworm. It’s not as if the Bucs don’t already have players on their roster who suffer from depression. So why the cloak and dagger routine?
Then there’s this nonsense about who will be the starting quarterback. Raheem the Dream cannot pass this over Joe’s eyes that he doesn’t have a pretty good idea who will get the most reps with the first team come training camp in a scant few weeks.
No secrets, huh Raheem?
June 19th, 2009 at 11:05 am
There is a liability concern for an employer to discuss medical information about employees unless permission is given. Don’t take the ‘no secrets’ thing too literal.
June 19th, 2009 at 11:39 am
You seem to take 2 steps back every time you take a step forward.
June 19th, 2009 at 12:16 pm
Just because they have no secrets between the team doesn’t mean they have to share EVERYTHING with the media, Joe. I’m sure most of the Bucs players know what’s going on with Sears. But as a “family”, they choose not to share/discuss it with the media. What’s the problem with that? Should Raheem make his coordinators give the media a copy of their playbooks, too? Afterall, aren’t those “secret”?
June 19th, 2009 at 12:34 pm
some reports have suggested Sears is dealing with career-threatening effects from a concussion he suffered in Week Eight last season.
June 19th, 2009 at 12:50 pm
I think he meant no secrets from each other (Bucs players and Staff)
He didn’t say anything about keeping secrets from Joe.
June 19th, 2009 at 2:11 pm
Joe Mr. Lucky thinks you have gone too far with the “no secrets” line.
I mean does Chris Hovan tell everyone, including Joe, about that sweet young thing he picked up in the bar????
As for who will be the starting QB – company secrets keep other teams guessing and will keep all the 5 dogs hungry for that bone.
Oops…better what what I write before Michael Vick comes sniffing around here!
June 19th, 2009 at 2:28 pm
There is a difference between a “secret” and talking about somebody’s personall issues behind their back to the media for no other reason than because some jerk with a webpage thinks he should. Also, having a hunch who may “get the most reps in camp” is not equal to knowing who the starter will be.
There is a reason you are a second rate internet hack.
June 19th, 2009 at 3:05 pm
Lots of anger here fellas, it’s Friday relax. HIPPA laws go out the window when you play on an NFL team, so there’s really no reason why MOrris can’t give some sort of general reason for Sears absence. What’s the big deal. Asking fans to care and then holding back a general explanation of why a starter is missing is BS. So I’m with Joe on that. Say it’s an illness issue, say it’s injury-related, say it’s family, say it’s concussion-related, say it’s a mental health issue that he’s being treated for or say absolutely nothing. But don’t throw out there crap like “private matter” which means is a pile of nothing.
June 20th, 2009 at 2:59 pm
Depression is a very serious and personal situation. That you would even imply that something of this nature should be exposed to the public is ignorant and irresponsible. You really are a jackass
June 20th, 2009 at 3:02 pm
Flea, I feel bad for you that you have not learned to discern between legality and morality. Rules and policies are for idiots/the irresponsible.
It is a shame when we are tempted to legislate decency, usually because of people such as yourself