Offense Bucs Will Use Depends On Freeman
May 12th, 2009
Indirectly, Bucs running back Earnest Graham may be hoping anyone but bust-in-waiting quarterback Josh Freeman starts this season.
There is no question Raheem the Dream has more of a mancrush on Bucs quarterback bust-in-waiting Josh Freeman than MSNBC cackler Chris Matthews has on Obama.
So depending on how much Raheem the Dream can control himself will depend on just what offense the Bucs will run.
That’s if Vacation Man of can accurately read the future.
In a chat about the NFC South recently, Vacation Man was asked how many carries running backs Derrick Ward and Earnest Graham will have each game. Vacation Man said the number of carries will depend on who is barking signals
Brian (Miami, Florida): Pat, please channel your inner psychic; what will the breakdown of carries for the Buc RBs look like? I say Ward 17 per game, Graham about 10 (even though I think Graham is the better option).
Vacation Man: Sounds about right. If Freeman starts, move those numbers up to 22 and 15 because they won’t throw a lot.
In short, if Freeman starts, it will be the return of Dungyball, guaranteed to cure insomnia if not the common cold. The problem with this premise is at least Dungyball had a stifling defense to keep the Bucs in the game.
The Bucs defense is a far cry from its glory days.
May 12th, 2009 at 8:43 am
It’s a shame you continue to bash Freeman with your “bust-in-waiting” comments. You are just turning away people that want open, objective reporting and information. You only seem to be commenting on other people’s news as well, nothing new on this site. Shameful.
May 12th, 2009 at 9:52 am
POW! With Authority!!!! dayum Joe…..
May 12th, 2009 at 9:53 am
lol nice comment joe…. and to the point…. very nice
May 12th, 2009 at 10:14 am
Mr. Lucky says poor Joe is just mis-understood about his comments regarding Josh Freeman.
While Joe wants the Bucs to succeed he believes that Josh will be a “bust” – kind of like Rush wanting Obama to succeed but his [Obama’s] policies to fail – right?
So Jeff, Mr. Lucky says to you – keep reading and toughen up a little bit or the next thing is you’ll be wishing Joe’s kidneys stop working too!
May 12th, 2009 at 10:24 am
Freeman is a bust in waiting just look at his pictures that dude is soft, he is a big baby watch him cry the first time he gets hit!
May 12th, 2009 at 11:23 am
>>> While Joe wants the Bucs to succeed he believes that Josh will be a “bust” – kind of like Rush wanting Obama to succeed but his [Obama’s] policies to fail – right? <<<
LOL, well not quite.
Rush does not like the pick of Obama. Joe doesn’t like the pick of Freeman.
Rush doesn’t want Obama to succeed but if he does, America wins. By defacto, Rush doesn’t want America to succeed (unless Obama is out of office).
Joe wants Freeman to succeed because if he does, the Bucs win.
May 13th, 2009 at 10:30 am
okay now I need a map, I am officially lost…. lets keep it Bucs eh?