Raheem The Dream Dumps On Luke McCown
April 25th, 2009
Sacked and the season hasn't even started. Raheem The Dream laid a huge it on Luke McCown during a radio interview Saturday.
Raheem The Dream figuratively dropped his pants and let out a steaming deuce on Luke McCown earlier today. This was just after selecting — all together now — bust-in-waiting quarterback Josh Freeman.
Joe transcribed this for you earlier as part of Raheem The Dream’s interview on 620 WDAE-AM.
How about Luke McCown?
Raheem The Dream: “He’s in the best situation. He’s with a rookie quarterback. We’ll see how it plays out. We know Josh is our franchise guy. He’s the long-term answer.”
So there you have it. McCown, at 27-years-old, is not the long-term guy in his coach’s mind. What a way to head to mini-camp. So much for open competition.
What does that make Josh Johnson, that quarterback who The Dream was so excited about?
Make no mistake. Joe is rooting for Josh Freeman to be the smartest selection since Jeff Garcia plucked Carmella DeCesare from the Playboy mansion.
But that said, Joe also is rooting for Luke McCown to take his chance and run with it behind a powerful running game.
And there in lies a big problem.
If McCown succeeds, then Freeman was even more of a foolish first round pick, and “bozo” will forever be stamped on the heads of The Dream and Mark Dominik.
And the now the Bucs’ likely opening day starter, Luke McCown, has his GM and coach, in effect, rooting against him.
Are we to believe this is good for the Bucs’ “family,” that The Dream referenced so often in his first news conference back in January?
Yes, that’s the family that kicked its wise old uncles (Brooks, June, Dunn, Hilliard) to the curb and has now seen The Dream take a dump on McCown.
April 25th, 2009 at 11:26 pm
Unbelievable! I’m gonna have a difficult time supporting this team as long as Morris AND Dominik are here. Morris is not fit to be a HC. He is NO Mike Tomlin. This will be the beginning of the end of the Glazers version of the Tampa Bay Bucanneers. I believe the Bucs will be under new ownership within 2 years and Morris will be coaching in HS, if he’s lucky.
This is going to be embarassing and Morris and Dominik will deserve everything they get.
April 25th, 2009 at 11:38 pm
Yep, I agree Dave! Morris is an even bigger LIAR than people say Chucky was! Him and Dumbass can go to hell (and I truly hope BOTH of them go very soon!). The worst thing that happened to the Bucs was Paul Taglibue signing off on allowing old fart Malcolm buy that stupid ass soccer team! Now, the Glazers are using the Bucs past successes to make the payments on that soccer team. We’ll see how well they are doing this upcoming season when we won’t be able to watch them on tv because no one is coming to see the Bucs play! Anyone notice how the Bucs aren’t giving out any signing bonuses in all these contracts they’re signing???
April 26th, 2009 at 12:40 am
Wow…its not looking good over at One Buc Place. I had so much hope for our franchise but the more this leadership does, the more scared I am that our team is in REAL trouble. Does anyone else get the feeling ‘Dumb & Dumber’ are in WAAAAAAAY over their heads?!! Man I hope I am wrong about these guys but my football instincts have been right usually(my wife would say as a resulf of 30+ years of watching) and its dark days ahead for us true Buc fans. At least the bandwago fans will be LOOOOOng gone..LOL Go Bucs!!!
April 26th, 2009 at 12:43 am
The best thing about today’s pick of Freeman is that Steve Dumig will be going out of his mind bashing this pick Monday! Maybe now he’ll jump on the “Hate the Nightmare” train like he did with Chucky!! Man, I truly hope the Nightmare is a one year blunder and we can get a real football coach in here in 2010!!!