Eight Reasons Considering Favre Isn’t Crazy
April 29th, 2009
Call Joe a crazy nut if you wish, but it wouldn’t be completely surprising to see the Bucs consider pursuing Brett Favre now that he’s a free agent as of yesterday afternoon.
Too much about a Favre acquisition could make sense, so don’t be surprised if it’s at least considered. Clearly, Bucs management has no problem jolting its stable of non-rookie quarterbacks. Take the Josh Freeman pick as evidence.
Here are eight reasons the return of the Favre-to-Tampa chatter is not utterly ridiculous:
1) Farve would take every ounce of pressure off the “franchise quarterback,” Josh Freeman, the rookie legend-to-be or bust-in-waiting, depending on your outlook. Raheem The Dream and Mark Dominik have already stated they prefer Freeman spend 2009 studying the pro game rather than playing it.
2) What QB available is better than Favre for The Dream and Dominik’s hand-picked wonder Freeman to study and learn from? Surely, it’s more valuable for Freeman to study Brett Favre every day than Luke McCown or Byron Leftwich.
3) If Freeman is “the franchise” guy, then offensive coordinator Jeff Jagodzinski surely would rather spend his one non-Freeman season in Tampa with the best possible quarterback available. And that guy is Brett Favre, who Jagodzinski coached in Green Bay. And reports say Jagodzinski is a big Favre admirer.
4) The Bucs are hurting to sell tickets in a big way. That’s even public knowledge now. Favre would sell an awful lot of tickets, suites, jerseys and more.
5) On his first day on the job in January, Raheem The Dream announced to the world that “Stay The Course” is his plan for 2009. Since The Dream has yet to, in fact, Stay The Course, perhaps pursuing Favre would qualify. It was the course last offseason.
6) Raheem The Dream and Mark Dominik have been doing a lot of talking over the past few months. One thing they never seem to talk about is winning anything next year— not the division, a playoff berth, nothing. Favre would change all that. And this franchise needs a major dose of optimism immediately. Winning is always important.
7) Favre is smart enough to be excited by the Bucs’ offensive line, the talent in the backfield, and at tight end and receiver. Plus he’d feel comfortable with Jagodzinski and excited by the home game against Green Bay.
8. Joe has found that he really enjoys having a quarterback’s hottie wife to pine for. Now Deanna Favre is no Carmella Garcia, but Joe is intrigued.
April 29th, 2009 at 10:22 am
Create more controversy, stir the pot, fan the flame(s), rile up the Bucs fans into a feeding frenzy ….way to go Joe!!!!
But all kidding aside we don’t really want to get involved in the Brett saga do we? I mean I thought the whole plan was to go with a “youth movement” – hence Black Wednesday and drafting the “once and future QB/King” (not Shaun)
While I have to admit I really liked watching Farve play – never a dull moment wondering if THIS pass was going to be an interception or not – I would rather the Bucs pass on Brett.
You make some compelling arguments & from the Glazers point of view point #4 IS a reason to make them sit up, place their finger to the wind and test the waters, I think that bringing in Brett would put the Bucs back into the Yucks category and I really don’t want to go back there AGAIN.
I think this post belongs in the Bucs Fantasy Football discussion – along with the Carmella posts.
While Mr Lucky agrees with Joe in his dislike of the #19 pick I have to admit that I “think” I understand the plan and I’ve convinced myself to a below .500 season this year.
April 29th, 2009 at 10:33 am
Joe here,
Mr. Lucky, Joe doesn’t want Favre here either. Joe wrote this after thinking about Freeman’s first season on the sidelines. If the Bucs want him to study a quarterback for a season and learn so he can lead the Bucs into the promised land, Joe thinks he’d be in good hands studying Favre, rather than Leftwich and/or McCown. It’s tough to argue against that. Seems like it worked alright previously for Aaron Rodgers and Jagodzinski in Green Bay
April 29th, 2009 at 11:11 am
You do understand that Favre didn’y exactly welcome Rodgers to GB with open arms. In fact, he offered very little in the way of support for Rodgers. How quickly you seem to have forgotten that Favre is all about himself and no one else. As documented in NY with the Jets, Favre dressed alone in the locker room away from the team, he isolated himself and was not the least bit interested in helping any QB become better. There’s nothing in Favre’s history that would suggest he’d be ANY help to anyone on the Bucs.
April 29th, 2009 at 12:00 pm
Well hold on Joe, you are mad at the Bucs for drafting Josh Freeman, so you had to feel good about Luke or Byron leading the team into 2009 and on, why is it that they are not viable sources to sit and learn from now?
“If the Bucs want him to study a quarterback for a season and learn so he can lead the Bucs into the promised land, Joe thinks he’d be in good hands studying Favre, rather than Leftwich and/or McCown.”
maybe I am taking this in the wrong context, so I am not jumping down your throat, just asking a question and trying to clarrify what you are saying here?
April 29th, 2009 at 1:46 pm
Joe here,
E2, never said Leftwich and McCown are not viable guys to learn from. Just saying, and I think it was very clear, Favre is a far better guy for Freeman to watch for a season than the other two. If the whole goal is develop this guy and let him watch and learn in Year 1, then why not go out and get the best QB available for the system. It’s almost like protecting the investment in Freeman.
April 29th, 2009 at 2:08 pm
ahhh I dig that…. i also wouldn’t mind him learning from Byron since they are kind of the same type of QB… But overall, i would rather learn from Brett IF HE WAS WILLING no doubt. Thanks for clarrifying..