What’s “The Plan?”
March 4th, 2009
Martin Fennelly wonders aloud in his podcast how wide receiver Michael Clayton fits into "The Plan."
Joe is humbled to learn uber columnist Martin Fennelly of the Tampa Tribune is on the same wavelength as Joe.
A week ago Joe wondered what this mysterious “plan” was that Raheem The Dream kept referring to, that led the Bucs to cut loose Derrick Brooks and Warrick Dunn. But The Dream refused to explain what exactly “The Plan” was, as if this was some classified state secret akin to Jimmy Hoffa’s cell phone number.
In his “Martin Chronicles” podcast, Fennelly discusses what exactly “The Plan” may be with his fellow scribe, eye-RAH! Kaufman.
(MEMO FOR THE HYPERSENSiTIVE: If Joe doesn’t like someone, he will either blast them so badly that Phil Mushnick would even cringe, or simply ignore them. Repeated references, nicknames and numerous links to a subject’s work means Joe respects if not likes him or her. And linking to someone’s work helps drive traffic to said work. Just a quick tip on new media: it’s all about the page views, just ask Erin “Page Views” Andrews.)
March 4th, 2009 at 12:25 pm
Clayton BLOWS!
March 4th, 2009 at 12:37 pm
per Pft.com ,bucs discussing bringing back jermey stevens for 2 year contract..where are all the Dream and Dumnick slurpers now.. Oh wait i forgot,,they both will get a pass right..i guess when you have no WR to throw the ball to,you just sign turd after turd tight end,,but hey The Nightmare,err,,The Dream has a plan right. This is unreal