Two Inches Goes A Long Way
March 13th, 2009
In today's Rough Draft podcast, NFL Draft guru Justin Pawlowski explores how far Michael Crabtree will fall in the draft. He got open in the Big 12. Can he do it in the NFL?
Joe’s exclusive daily NFL Draft coverage continues with resident draft genius Justin Pawlowski talking about the huge decision facing teams considering wide receiver Michael Crabtree of Texas Tech.
There’s much more, too. Is Al Davis in love with Percy Harvin?
Joe knows you’ll love this podcast, as well as the free $10 gift certificate to Courtside Grille for all subscribers.
Look for the full written defensive tackles breakdown on Saturday.
[audio: podcast0313.mp3]
March 13th, 2009 at 6:18 pm
@+- 13minutes
it is “the further Michael Crabtree falls”
not the “farther”
Mrs.Majors my 8th grade English teacher