Bucs Schedule Potential Picks
March 27th, 2009
The Bucs have scheduled a workout for Percy Harvin, among others, reports the St. Pete Times.
If you’ve been following the NFL Draft coverage here at JoeBucsFan.com, you know a lot about the following college players. They are a group the Bucs are targeting for private workouts and personal visits, reports the St. Pete Times today.
The Bucs have scheduled personal workouts with Boston College defensive tackle Ron Brace, Notre Dame linebacker Maurice Crum, Jr., Florida receivers Percy Harvin and Louis Murphy, Maryland receiver Darius Heyward-Bey and South Florida receiver Taurus Johnson.
The Bucs also have scheduled visits with Hampton defensive tackle Chris Baker, Georgia Tech defensive end Michael Johnson, Temple defensive tackle Terrance Knighton and Western Illinois linebacker Jason Williams.
Joe is intrigued by Terrance Knighton, Temple’s little known nose tackle.
The kid measured 6-3, 321 lbs. at the combine and he moves quite well. And he seems like one of those guys who has put in a lot of hard work and could be an excellent value in the late rounds.