It Appears Cat (Glazers?) Has Chucky’s Tongue
January 23rd, 2009
Chucky has kept his mouth pretty tight since he was canned last week. It would be nice if Chucky would open up to Joe and help ailing children.
This season saw the end of four Super Bowl-winning coaches’ jobs. One of those four (a young, blonde-haired lad) was largely touted as being a potentially tremendous analyst by those who cover the comings and goings of the electronic media.
Two of those four coaches (Father Dungy and Mike Holmgren) were hired by NBC to provide commentary on the Super Bowl. The third of those four coaches, Mike Shanahan, had a press conference dealing with his exit from the Broncos.
That leaves one coach who is still in hiding, except for uttering one word. That coach is Chucky.
Come on Chucky, pick up the phone and help some sick children. Joe knows you have received his letter. Joe won’t bite. Matter of fact, he’ll even pick up the tab for some Hooters wings and a couple of cold brews.