Chucky Gets A Ringing Endorsement
January 26th, 2009
Seems the lone person who thinks Chucky was wronged is the ultimate slob this side of Artie Lange, golfer/drunk/quitter John Daly. Nice.
In the past week or so since Chucky was fired, all manner of people have come out of the woodwork to slam him. Well, finally someone has come out to support Chucky, other than Derrick Brooks. And it’s not exactly to Chucky’s benefit.
One of the biggest slobs in the free world, John Daly, is upset that Chucky was let go and thinks the Glazer Boys did him wrong.
Yeah, John Daly. From Peter King of via WTSP-TV.
“I love Coach Gruden. He’s one of my best friends. I felt he probably should have been released a little earlier, so maybe he would have had a chance at the Broncos, the Browns, or the Jets job. I did not like that at all.”
This is a man with tremendous golfing talent all but thrown away because the guy has zero discipline. A drunken, woman-abusing sloth of a quitter sticking up for you isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement for Chucky.
Maybe Chucky and Daly are kindred spirits? Though Joe confessed he’s unaware of Chucky ever passing out in front of a Hooters (yet).