NBCSports.com’s Celizic: NFC South Tops
December 2nd, 2008
Joe thinks that it's a runaway competition that the NFC South is the best division in the NFL. Mike Celizic of NBCSports.com agrees.
Mike Celizic of NBCSports.com writes about the top division in the NFL. To no Bucs fan’s surprise, he selects the NFC South (not the NFC East, which media outlets like BSPN prefer to cram down NFL fans’ throats).
This is not news in the NFC South, which this week finally left us no choice but to quit yammering on about how wonderful the NFC East is and forced us to admit that there’s another premier division in the NFL. If the playoffs began today, the NFC West and North would each get a team in because the rules say they have to, no matter how bad those teams are. The mighty NFC East would get the same number — one.
Finally someone in the MSM outside of NFC South markets can see the light. Granted, the Giants are quite good; the class of the NFL. Dallass is OK, nothing more. Take away Jessica Simpson’s boyfriend and Dallass is very average. The Redskins have really slipped and the Beagles are… eh.
Yet if one is an invalid or has dead batteries in their remote and cannot change the channel from BSPN, one would be of the mind that no one outside of the NFC East can play football. Indeed!