(Formerly) Greg White Watches Too Many Movies
December 17th, 2008
When an NFL player changes his name to a character's name from a 1985 movie, it's time to get a new hobby.
About the best way for Joe get over that horrid loss Sunday, and Chucky’s pathetic QB stunts and his lying ways, was to read that Bucs defensive lineman formerly known as Greg White changed his name to a character in the 1985 movie Teen Wolf.
White is now legally Stylez G. White after the character Rupert “Stiles” Stilinsk, as Chris Harry of the Orlando Sentinel points out.
And it wasn’t the Michael J. Fox character in that B-movie cult classic that made an impact on White, but rather Fox’s party animal buddy Rupert “Stiles” Stilinski, played by Jerry Levine.
“I always liked that name: Styles,” White said. “I just never really had the confidence to, you know, go with it.”
You would think White could have at least Googled to find the correct spelling of the name?
Aside from the obvious potential name changes to Bucs coaches and players, such as Chucky, Son of Bob, King of Turds, White Tiger and Cadillac to name a few, Joe offers his favorite suggestions:
Mr. (Derrick Brooks): Maybe you forgot the lyrics to his song?
Hands (Mike Clayton): Because he needs a pair.
Balls (Dexter Jackson): Because he needs a pair.
Houses (Warrick Dunn): Because he has bought so many houses for so many needy families.
Lucky (Jeff Garcia): Take a look at his head shot and tell Joe this guy can pull a chick like this.
WWE (Chris Hovan): Because the dude thinks he’s working for Vince McMahon on Sundays the way he paints his face up.
Bust (Josh Johnson): Self-explanatory
JoeBucsFan.com readers are welcome to offer up their suggestions.
December 18th, 2008 at 3:19 pm
Drop the BS nicknames and just WIN!