Bucs 2009 Starting Quarterback: Michael Vick
November 28th, 2008
Joe broke out in a cold sweat when Fox Sports Radio's Lee Hamilton laid out a logical scenario why Michael Vick will be the Bucs starting QB next season.
After shoving as much turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, yams, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie into his face as humanly possible yesterday, Joe needed a nap. Being the sports geek Joe is, he listened to sports radio while he tried to catch some Z’s, in this instance, Fox Sports Radio.
Host Lee Hamilton was talking about Michael Vick and his chances of being reinstated by Roger Goodell for next season. If that happens, Hamilton predicted he would sign with the Bucs.
Joe nearly had a stroke at the thought. But Hamilton explained why:
Jeff Garcia is in the final year of his contract. Hamilton predicted Garcia won’t be resigned by the Bucs. Joe believes Garcia might be giving out subtle hints at this.
Hamilton went on to explain Chucky likes to collect quarterbacks as if they are coins or stamps. The fact Vick still has a cannon for an arm and despite being out of football for two years is likely still quicker than most QBs would be too irresistible for Chucky to pass on.
Besides, Chucky doesn’t give a damn if a guy has a history of abusing women and leaving used condoms on his neighbors’ property. Chucky only cares if a guy can play football.
Hamilton was so dead-on in his analysis Joe almost broke into a cold sweat. So much for the nap. Based on this information, Joe only prays that Goodell never reinstates Vick.
December 8th, 2008 at 9:17 pm
if vick gos to the bucs i will go crazy that will be amazing vick was the falcons and he wins games by himself now u put him with athletes and not 4 year old football players on his team and u have a superbowl ring in tampas hand
free vick ………….V7………for life
June 13th, 2009 at 12:37 pm
nice take alex … maybe you should let the men talk football around here