Report: Bucs Players Love Each Other
October 25th, 2008Joe got a few chuckles from reading today’s touchy-feely Bucs love story in the Tampa Tribune.
Anwar Richardson writes about how the Bucs locker room is so unified that players credit their closeness with the team’s 5-2 record.
First, Joe smiled when he read about the street smarts of Jeff Garcia. It turns out Garcia, according to the story, picks up Jerramy Stevens every morning and drives him to One Buc Place. Stevens, The King of Turds, has a suspended driver’s license.
Wisely, Garcia has decided that if you have an accused rapist and overall thug on your team, then its best to make friends with the guy as a way to protect your beautiful wife and new baby daughter.

While Jeff Garcia may drive Jerramy Stevens to work, Joe has a hunch he doesn't allow Stevens around his lovely wife Carmella, shown above.
Second, Joe thought it was funny that Richardson made no effort in the story to include a contrasting viewpoint or provide any comparison to past Bucs locker rooms. Not that Richardson would have found a player who would dare say something could be negative in Chucky’s world, but it would have been nice – and appropriate – to try.
Third, Joe has heard so many times on local sports radio in past years about how Jon Gruden has lost the locker room, about how the players secretly hate him because they are not treated professionally, and about how no top free agents will want to come here because of what it’s like to play in Tampa. Uhhhh, now what do yo say, Guys?
That’s OK. Gruden’s not listening anyway, as he told the Dallas media this week.
“You’ve got to sometimes not listen to the elevator music. You’ve got to be mentally tough and believe in your program. Fortunately, I’ve been able to surround myself with really good players who have a good, strong sense of loyalty and respect.”
The reality is the Bucs play hard for Gruden. That’s been true in good times and bad. It’s an undeniable fact.
Players liking each other is nice, but it’s totally irrelevant, as long as they leave it all on the field on Sundays.
October 25th, 2008 at 3:39 pm
How can you say “players liking each other is irrelevant”? That’s ridiculous! You obviously must think team chemistry is irrelevant, as well.