THE PESSIMIST: Saints Better Have a Plan
September 2nd, 2008
The Glazer family is too smart and savvy to let the NFL steamroll them into screwing up the Bucs' schedule.
The NFL should not force the Bucs into hosting Sunday’s season opener against the New Orleans Saints and moving the November Bucs-Saints game to New Orleans. That just ain’t right. It’s not a fair swap.
Despite the possible backlash, Bucs management should put up a major stink and not be pushed into the change, as it would give the Bucs four consecutive road games in November.
Don’t tell me that after the destruction of Katrina in 2005, New Orleans has no contingency plan to relocate a cancelled game to a neutral field or another site in Louisiana. That would be plain stupid, irresponsible, and any other negative adjective one can muster.
Move the game to another field in Louisiana, or to a neutral site in Arkansas, or somewhere else. Don’t force the Bucs to cover for the Saints lack of foresight and preparation.
This is the NFL. Big business. There’s a reason the league never schedules four consecutive road games. It’s a major negative for a team. And that shouldn’t be thrust on the Bucs because the Saints didn’t make a plan.
THE PESSIMIST is betting his paycheck that Sunday’s game is not in Tampa. Or if it is, it will be classified as a Saints home game and the Bucs will play them in Tampa again in November.