O.J. Howard A Lethal Addition
July 6th, 2017
Crazy addition.
So before the draft even started this spring, Mike Garafolo was certain the Bucs had a high-flying offense.
With Mike Evans, DeSean Jackson, Cam Brate and America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, slinging the ball, Garafolo was certain this was an offense to be feared.
And along comes tight end O.J. Howard. Garafolo, a reporter for NFL Network, says, in so many words, look out. He spoke recently when he co-hosted “Good Morning, Football.” .
“To add O.J. Howard to an offense that already has Cameron Brate – Cameron Brate, OK? Cameron Brate, Kay Adams, is a guy that is still going to be an element in this offense. O.J. Howard can block. He can catch the ball; he can do a little bit of everything.”
This very well could be the matchup from hell. What is an opposing strong safety to do? If he plays up against the run, he will get roasted by Jackson. If he plays back, Brate and perhaps Howard will slice defenses apart with seam passes. Already the Jameis-to-Brate seam route has proven to be deadly.
By adding Jackson and Howard, this almost makes Joe’s head spin.
July 6th, 2017 at 8:02 am
Yea it’s going to be tough. Not a bad thing at all
July 6th, 2017 at 8:09 am
Can’t wait for take over day. Many different things I’m looking forward to seeing. Oline vs Dline. WR vs CB and many more
July 6th, 2017 at 8:28 am
I haven’t been this excited for a season since last season. And this team blows last year’s out of the water. Come on September!
July 6th, 2017 at 8:44 am
Potential for the best offense in Buccaneer history
July 6th, 2017 at 9:38 am
I seem to recall several of us on this very site pre draft said the same thing and were met with disapproval by Joe. Now it has merit?
July 6th, 2017 at 9:40 am
Garafolo … “He (OJ) can do a little bit of everything.” Now that defines the term ‘understatement’.
July 6th, 2017 at 9:53 am
Jameis breaks the huddle ..the Bucs are up to the line..wait a minute O J Howard is out wide to the right with M Evans to the inside of him…out wide to the left is D Jackson with Godwin at Flanker on the left side and C Brate at T End on the left side, with an empty backfield!! As Sherman from SEATTLE would say that is not a MATCHUP it’s a MISMATCH!! Go BUCS!!
July 6th, 2017 at 10:14 am
In the last article big hog complained about no weapons on offense. Now he’s here yelling mismatch
July 6th, 2017 at 10:26 am
I think Hog had a let me rethink this moment Dirk. Now that scenario he just posted seems a little more sensible to me. Outside of denver,gmen and maybe the hawks on they’re best day I don’t see many secondaries in the league being able to account for our new found armory. And Hog I like O.J split out wide idea. Whenever Gronk does that it causes panic in secondary of opposing teams.
July 6th, 2017 at 10:50 am
Exactly why I wanted him…key words, he can block. But that speed and his catching…yeah we got dangerous after adding Howard.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:07 am
@Dirks Great Granpappy…I never said we don’t have weapons …I think I said we must get more play makers on Off and Def…Godwin has potential but has not played a down in the NFL!!! I like complete Tight Ends so BRATE is not my favorite..I’m hoping the big guy A. A. can push his way on the field this year..I like Martin but he has to overcome his problem and prove he can be trusted again!! The rest of our RB’s don’t put fear into no one!!! The O-Line is a unit that has to play together to become great or even above average…I like some of the players there but we have not built that wall IMO!!! I hope that clarifies things for you Granpappy!!!! GO BUCS
July 6th, 2017 at 11:11 am
Nosbos before the draft
Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:
April 9th, 2017 at 11:43 am
Give me Adam Shaheen over any of the bigger name guys.
Shut up dude you literally know nothing. Stop acting like you wanted this to happen.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:13 am
IMO, the only achilles heal on this offense is the Oline; they will make-or-break us w/ so many question marks.
The real value that “Juice” is going to bring, is his blocking. I’d like to see him really develop that skill in year 1.
But like you said Joe, if that safety drops back and Juice releases and drops behind the linebackers: BYE FELICIA !
July 6th, 2017 at 11:21 am
Still don’t understand why you would draft a TE when you don’t have a true blue running back. Especially when your starting TE led the NFL in TDs.
Patiently waiting to see who has a better year. OJ, Dalvin or Jac Rodgers. Ijs
July 6th, 2017 at 11:21 am
“The key to 2017 season will be koetters playcalling and VH3”
Kobe Faker
Is koetter going to turn oj into a runblocker most of the time? Or will he be the equally featured pass catcher?
Oj wont be a threat if koetter continues to use him specieficully as the runblocker
People are going to be upset, but i dont think he will be targeted that much as a pass catcher target beginning of the season.
I think we will be a run first grinding offense
July 6th, 2017 at 11:22 am
Look at blake the cut and paste master. That’s yo punk problem you live in the past @$$hole. I’m focused on the future. You called it bro O.J. all day. Yea right, him and the other 10 prospect you had pegged to end up Buc f@$!boy.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:27 am
You got to be dumbest mofo on jbf. Shaheen like many other TEs has a basketball background, those dude tend to do really well in pro football see Antonio Gates,Tony Gonzalez,Vincent Jackson and ME to mention a few @$$wipe. And seeing how I know nothing( never claimed to just like speaking my opinion ) why did you make it your business to contact me and tell me to get back on jbf when I had been missing for awhile. Riddle me that fatboy.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:32 am
Like what kinda dummy would be displeased with adding a player that was ranked as a potential 10 draft prospect??? If asj had panned out O.J would not be a Buc today. asj had won the Mackey award his last season in school. They clearly had a vision for him. Dirk can call it the “four verticals” all he wants, when he was in atl that offense went Tony Gonzalez. Kinda makes it easy for me to see why my wish for DC33 was ultimately a pipe dream. Fatboy.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:33 am
What’s with all the buc fan on buc fan hate? All of you need to chill the F out and just be excited about the weapons we do have and not about who said what. Jesus this is like middle school with some of you.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:36 am
55 I assure you he puts up better numbers than that new panther. That’s who I’m comparing him to.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:38 am
But for some reason you can’t help but read it can you mort. S@$! talk is apart of the essence of this site. Rebel life homie,if you require civility there are other more civilized site out here bro.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:54 am
Ha! Nos went all Rob Kardasian on Blake. Lmao
We not comparing udfas to #19 overall picks are we? Nevertheless I’ll take that bet.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:56 am
Hmm i contacted you because you owed me money which you said you would pay me and didnt. It is you who is the real F@%^boy.
And nah, you Kobe and Tmax all own that dumbest on JBF title. It’s a 3 way deadlock that will never be toppled.
July 6th, 2017 at 11:59 am
And you asked what kind of dummy would be unhappy with a pick like O.J?
Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:
March 5th, 2017 at 1:37 pm
Blake and SB any word on whether Fameis wants oj Mr. Unproductive or the weakling McCaffery??? Doubt it but but we all know who does want as teammate. That dude he talk with weekly. No need for me to say his name y’all do good a job bringing up his on every thread. Good job bros😉
Well sir that dummy would be you. Seeing as you reffered to him as Mr. Unproductive on more than one occasion.
July 6th, 2017 at 12:05 pm
Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:
April 12th, 2017 at 9:08 am
Its a Dunn deal one way or the other. I’ve been saying I’m taking bets for weeks now.
Here’s another classic quote from the JBF’s resident mongoloid mouthbreather. Beggin for all them bets just P**** out when you lost. Must be sad living a life with absolutely no manhood or sense of honor.
July 6th, 2017 at 12:12 pm
@Nole ..They (cornerbacks) play GRONK 8 yards off the line of scrimmage! First down every time!!
July 6th, 2017 at 1:16 pm
Look what happened when brate went down. Oj was the right pick
Nos man you gotta pay up on that bet. Don’t be that dude
July 6th, 2017 at 1:43 pm
Dirk I offered the lil boy the money. Told him I’ll western union it the next day he was like okay dude. I didn’t hear back from him for a month an a half. After I spoke many opinion about him thinking he was right about calling the O.J pick. The same O.J that was projected to go a h3ll of lot earlier. He gets no kudos for that. Especially considering the many names be was throwing around from one week to the next. Now I did say on a post the other since it took him almost two months to realize he wanted the lil 150 he wait around that same amount of time before I decide to send it.
July 6th, 2017 at 1:48 pm
Well considering the offense O.j was in his numbers could considered unproductive for a guy that was slated to go as high as he was. Don’t mean he won’t have a HOFr career in the NFL. Add in his QB specializes in utilzing the TE and his HC has a history of building an offense around that position. Kinda makes sense to me now s@$!stain.
July 6th, 2017 at 1:53 pm
Your exact words were “you should come back to jbf I’m sure you’ll liven up the joint”. I had never left,I was reading everyday just wasn’t posting to be honest. FB.
July 6th, 2017 at 2:00 pm
Oj will be the most impactfull TE in the league within 3 years. No one will be talking about GRONK!
July 6th, 2017 at 2:10 pm
Nole on Sat- Bucc on Sun Says:
July 6th, 2017 at 11:38 am
But for some reason you can’t help but read it can you mort. S@$! talk is apart of the essence of this site. Rebel life homie,if you require civility there are other more civilized site out here bro.
Stay classy.
July 6th, 2017 at 2:27 pm
I won’t be too surprised if Howard is not thrown to much early on. Veteran NFL opposition is a step up to the bigger faster badder experienced big boys.
July 6th, 2017 at 2:44 pm
Mort how would the world look if we all attempted to fit inside the same boxes??? If class is your thang bro be that. Me personally I’ve always taken delight in slightly living Rebel life. I’m a Aquarius bro we oddballs by birthright.
July 6th, 2017 at 2:48 pm
Blake and NOSBOS – Get a room you two – you fight like an old married couple.
July 6th, 2017 at 2:53 pm
Dude, you’re just a pathological liar. Besides the method you told me about receiving it through western union was dead wrong to begin with you moron. Oh and how about the other message you sent me about a week ago where you said you would pay me and I’ve yet to hear back from you? Huh? You’re just a pathetic man child.
And never once did I predict who the pick was going to be. Merely talked about and posted film about guys I did like. And my stance was pretty much always that I liked O.J. the most.
And tbh I wanted you back so I could see you posting as Buccaneer Princess and eat crow. But that lasted for about 5 minutes and then you flaked out. Just like I assume you did with all your other bets that you were begging to make.
July 6th, 2017 at 2:54 pm
Nah dude, just gonna continue exposes this dude for the clown he is until he pays me my money.
July 6th, 2017 at 2:56 pm
July 6th, 2017 at 3:06 pm
OJ Howard is a generational talent at TE coming out of College.
If his work ethic and determination to be great matches his God given and thus far developed football skills – then this young man has a chance to be an all time great TE if he spends his career with Jameis Winston.
Talk about your rock solid skill position cornerstones upon which to build an offensive team:
Winston, Evans and OJ Howard…
All had legit top 5, A++, 5 star+ level talent when drafted.
With these cornerstones in place at only 24, 23 and 22 years of age – its hard to even imagine how good our offense is going to be over the next 7-10 years.
July 6th, 2017 at 3:52 pm
Lil boy you can’t exposed something that ain’t concerned with being seen ina pristine light by a group of internet strangers. Now figure out a way to expose my wallet for them ends you seeking. Do that I’ll respect yo gangsta.
July 6th, 2017 at 3:53 pm
I told you I reside in Orlando. And let me make it perfectly clear,I ain’t no where near yo size.
July 6th, 2017 at 3:56 pm
Now, come get ya so called 150.
July 6th, 2017 at 3:57 pm
You said 6’2 275lbs right??? I ain no where near dat.
July 6th, 2017 at 4:01 pm
you actually owe me 250 you bum.
July 6th, 2017 at 4:02 pm
And make no mistake, i have 0 expectations of you being a man and paying me.
But that’s not going to stop me from ridiculing you for all of the stupid crap you’ve said on this website.
July 6th, 2017 at 4:03 pm
Man I just watched about an hour of video on OJ Howard & I was in shock about how well he blocks! He was like another offensive lineman for Alabama!He handled defensive ends and was huge for their running game. Then you add his 4.5 speed!? Having him on the field is going to give defensive coordinators fits! I’m trying not to get too excited about this kid but he truly is a Beast!
July 6th, 2017 at 4:03 pm
I’m an Aquarius too. That must be why me and NOSBOS get along.
July 6th, 2017 at 4:11 pm
God dang guys. Can I just send both of you guys five bucks to quit your little cat fight. We are Bucs fans, man up.
July 6th, 2017 at 4:25 pm
Ain’t no stopping this. I tried for weeks. This will forever be known as the offseason of Blake VS NOSBOS.
July 6th, 2017 at 4:25 pm
But u can send me the $10?!?!??!??!?!?!?! Lol
July 6th, 2017 at 4:26 pm
Now figure out a way to expose my wallet for them ends you seeking.
Bruh! I’m 💀
July 6th, 2017 at 5:25 pm
This has been an extremely entertaining thread. I’ve been monitoring it all afternoon admiring the fireworks.
July 6th, 2017 at 5:34 pm
GOAT you know them Aquarius minds and how they operate. Jason Licht too brh brh.
July 6th, 2017 at 5:36 pm
Ima bum well that makes you talking that you lost yo job and really need that money. Like I give-a-s@$! about yo well being.
July 6th, 2017 at 6:04 pm
Yeah I did really need that money then. Everyone goes through tough times. People like me find a way and persevere and get through despite cockroaches like yourself effing them over.
July 6th, 2017 at 6:04 pm
And Jimmy rarely do I make it my business to mess wit folks on jbf. I do so I’m protecting the honor of one of the players. Cats like blake throw salt on my tag. At which time. Its own.
July 6th, 2017 at 6:05 pm
All I know is that it’s incredibly bad karma to not pay off your bets.
July 6th, 2017 at 6:06 pm
I f@$! you over son??? Really???
July 6th, 2017 at 6:11 pm
Yeah you really did. You gave me your word not once, but twice that you were going to pay me the money you owed me. And you didn’t. In what world is that not screwing someone over?
July 6th, 2017 at 6:13 pm
please explain to me what kind of moron makes a bet with anonymous poster on a sports blog filled with passionate nut jobs and expects to collect the money… Come on now, if you are that gullible or just plan stupid let me sell you some ocean front colorado property when you get paid. .
July 6th, 2017 at 6:16 pm
Idk why I believed he would pay up, but His boy SB assured me that he wouldn’t be a little girl about and would pay up.
He even made it a point to parade about how that if he lost he wanted to meet up in person so that it didn’t seem like he was dodging anybody, which I thought was nuts.
Something tells me that if the bet had gone in his favor, he would be going on daily tirades calling out each and every person who didnt pay up.
July 6th, 2017 at 6:17 pm
Oh and he also gave me his personal cellphone number when he agreed to the bet.
July 6th, 2017 at 6:18 pm
Tell you something homie. I work hard for my lil cash,d@$! near ten hours everyday. When I offer it you best take it then. Ain’t no gaurantees ima feel charitable again. Let this be a lesson. Ion feel sorry you just like no-one feels sorry for me when grindin on my gig.
July 6th, 2017 at 6:23 pm
lol I was like why are there 50+ comments on this article… now I know
July 6th, 2017 at 6:23 pm
Ok so what happened to you texting me 2 weeks ago saying again that you were going to pay up? What’s you blatantly ignorant excuse for that one lil girl?
July 6th, 2017 at 7:26 pm
now is the o line good enough?????
remember jason was the guy who got ride of penn and signed whats his name from the bengals was it anthony Thompson?
July 6th, 2017 at 8:04 pm
O.J. Howard is going to be a nightmare to cover. At the 2017 Combine, Howard, at 6-6, 251 lbs, ran a 40 time of 4.51 which was faster than:
All but 1 – LB (Jabrill Peppers, 4.46)
All but 6 – Safeties
Exactly half the of the CB – 16 faster, 16 slower
What many do not realize is that O.J. Howard is even faster than Mike Evans. It is going to be fun watching Howard shift to X with Evans in the slot. Wow, what do you do with that?
July 6th, 2017 at 8:37 pm
Get it how you live son..
July 6th, 2017 at 8:47 pm
Loser lovie had roster control at that time. ^^^^^^^
July 6th, 2017 at 10:20 pm
Oh make no mistake little princess I’m gonna be just fine and dandy.
But have no doubt’s about it, shirking bets is some bad karma.
It all comes back around again my friend. Trust me on that.
July 7th, 2017 at 1:22 pm
Falcons had traditionally been weak vs. TE because of their scheme and slower linebackers. Their corner Alford is great at taking speed guys out of the equation (he had issues covering Evans height when Trufant left the game last season) so we will likely be dicing them with TE sets which is why adding a guy like Howard has made our offense so versatile…and we can run so many different formations off a two TE set to dictate match-up to our advantage.
July 7th, 2017 at 1:29 pm
KfromFLA Says:
July 6th, 2017 at 8:04 pm
O.J. Howard is going to be a nightmare to cover. At the 2017 Combine, Howard, at 6-6, 251 lbs, ran a 40 time of 4.51 which was faster than:
All but 1 – LB (Jabrill Peppers, 4.46)
All but 6 – Safeties
Exactly half the of the CB – 16 faster, 16 slower
What many do not realize is that O.J. Howard is even faster than Mike Evans. It is going to be fun watching Howard shift to X with Evans in the slot. Wow, what do you do with that?
Right. Howard’s short shuttle was faster than mack, he’s as fast as David Johnson in the 40, and he has a better three cone time than Speedy Tyler Lockett at 6’6 250…with the same wingspan as Gronk. He’s going to punish the NFC South for a long time. Dirk Koetter is a master at using the TE as well…match made in heaven because Howard was so underutilized in the passing game at Alabama it was downright criminal.
HOW Carolina passed on Howard for McCaffery will be talked about in NFC South circles and even NFL circles for a longtme…ala the way the Buccs passed on Arron Rodgers in 2008.
PS – I saw this video before the draft came out….and I was so pumped at this prospect, but I was down a little because I didnt think the Buccs had a shot outside of trading-up…..funny how things worked out. Same with Winston….it was a prayer we got him even though we had to endure a god awful season to get him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlYbWrNF-9Q