Drama, Emotion, Work Of NFL Draft

April 27th, 2015


In a little over three days, the Bucs will have a new player — well, hello Jameis!

Given that Jameis Winston the player likely will be the first player selected in the draft, barring a trade, there will be a lot of pressure on the young man’s shoulders.

In a pretty cool video produced by Buccaneers.com, various Bucs, past and present, are interviewed and share their memories of the draft. The emotions rode high and the curves were unexpected. A cool piece is how Mike Alstott explains Bucs fans should adore Jerome Bettis because if not for Bettis, Alstott very likely would not have come to Tampa Bay.

It is weird seeing Derrick Brooks with a gray beard.

Both Bucs general manager Jason Licht and Bucs coach Lovie Smith explain just how much research goes into the draft. It’s a cool video you should check out.

56 Responses to “Drama, Emotion, Work Of NFL Draft”

  1. bucs4life Says:

    I’ve been quiet on these boards since the end of the season, but since it’s draft week I think it’s important I highlight what’s about to happen to the Bucs with respect to JoesBucsFan.com

    Joe, the diligent blogger he is, has consistently proven he has ZERO talent for draft prospects. This is the same guy that had a hissy fit last season when the Bucs didn’t draft proven bust and all around dysfunctional alcoholic Johnny Football.

    2013 draft? Yeah, anyone remember Bjoieren Werner? Joe’s favorite defensive end. Joe’s answer to the Bucs pass rush woes. He’s been a total bust for the Colts.

    Be worried, Bucs fans….

  2. JoeJoes Fungi Nails Says:

    Word his he has already signed a cameo appearance deal with Discovery Channel….Deadliest Catch

  3. robert 9 Says:

    I can hear it now……”with the 1st pick of the NFL draft the Buccaneers select Jameis the alleged rapist Winston.

    wait, wait…. sorry folks. That’s heisman trophy winning Jameis the creepy crab winston

    wait, wait……sorry folks, thats Jameis the vandalizing, thief Winston

    Roger Goddell ” jameis, come see me when this over about some vacation time”

  4. The Other Side of the Coin Says:

    Even a stopped clock is right every so often. Joe’s due for winner. Winston is not only the pick, he’s the right pick.

  5. robert 9 Says:

    I saw that fungi. some nice promo shots of him on the boat.

    think he can swim?

  6. The Other Side of the Coin Says:

    Three and a half more days of the Winston hater’s lies, and misrepresentations before he becomes a Buc. Then the hate won’t matter so much. His actions from that day forward will be what is important. It will then be fun to watch the haters doing their best to hurt a team they claim to be a fan of by continuing to malign Winston. Winston has learned from his mistakes. Will the haters? One can only hope.

  7. robert 9 Says:

    what happens when lovie loses his job and we get someone like coughlin or schiano that doesn’t want to hear his immature rants and drama.

    josh freeman 2.o

  8. Wombat Says:

    People forget that the “Joe’s” are just fans like you or I. My kids are the same as the Joe’s, they like the flashy pics. The Michael Vicks, RGIII’s. Johnny Manzel etc. This team is a business and you better be 110% who you take with the 1st pick, cos it’s your job, your career your life.
    If we don’t draft Jameis, or if we do… Joe will still have a job 5yrs down the track, we will just remind him if Jameis is a bust!!

  9. Sean Says:

    Haters are going to Hate….on Joe on Roger on Jameis on Jason on Lovie ….it doesn’t matter…all of you are still going to be putting money in the coffers though

    Go Bucs….Lets get Jameis, some OL, and possibly a slot receiver or some pass rushers/LB’s

  10. robert 9 Says:


  11. The Don Says:

    Legit Chills. Holy $hit! Cant wait to see Jameis in Tampa!

  12. JoeJoes Fungi Nails Says:

    nice work Robert 9…..already saved to my computer 🙂

  13. Ray Rice Says:

    Got Dammit! They just don’t make them like A-Train anymore! #TheRealTrain

  14. Ray Rice Says:


    LMFAO! That is some funny a$$ $hit!

  15. JoeJoes Fungi Nails Says:

    it on my FB page now…..Bobby 9…you da MAN !!!

  16. robert 9 Says:

    word is they were ready to start filming, but it was put on hold when jameis boarded the boat with 12 cases of butter and declared himself captain

  17. Love and Warrick Dunn Says:

    @Robert 9,

    Who do you want Miami to draft? Or are you waiting until 8:15 Thursday to start scouting your new team?

  18. robert 9 Says:

    i’m waiting LW, but I like the Suh and Jennings signings.

    I am on record saying I don’t think JW will be the pick, and I am never wrong.

  19. Publix Enemy #1 Says:

    Crab legz!

  20. SAMCRO Says:

    GOD! I hope if we take Winston, that Tennessee will pick Mariota. The first game of the season will be worth the price of admission.

  21. Eric Says:

    That’s all the haters have left?


    butter? crab legs?


  22. Publix Enemy #1 Says:

    L&L hit a home run with Evans last year .
    Joe had a meltdown because they passed on Johnny and Bridgewater.

    This is why doctors treat sick people, lawyers speak in court and NFL
    GM’s and Head Coaches make draft picks…not fans.

  23. tval Says:

    If you arent a 17 year old girl and you spend all day gossiping and spreading lies about 20 year old boys you may want to rethink your entire life, robby..hahaha!!

  24. rayjay1122 Says:

    The Bucs are going to pull of a steal. They take Leonard Williams at # 1 and instantly teams get spooked by what the Bucs must have secretly found out to pass on the QB position. After the QB’s begin to fall down the 1st round, the Bucs trade back into the 1st and grab Winston or Mariota! Now that would be a cool scenario even though that is some big time fiction.

  25. bucco brice Says:

    ….see yas in a year or so…see where Winston is at…hopefully it’s not these scenarios: blaming teammates for my failures; I got the money, frig it, more cheeseburgers; i think i like baseball – f*** this face of franchise crap; more parties and ladies please, f the legalities, i still got the money….

  26. Publix Enemy #1 Says:

    …and thus begins a promising rap career?

  27. Joe Says:

    Joe, the diligent blogger he is, has consistently proven he has ZERO talent for draft prospects.

    Guess you missed where Joe called Josh Freeman a “bust in waiting” before he was drafted?

    Guess you missed where the December before he was drafted, Joe wrote Lavonte David would be a nice get by the Bucs?

    All in the archives free for anyone to browse and research.

    Carry on with your agenda.

  28. Joe Says:

    The Michael Vicks, RGIII’s. Johnny Manzel etc.

    Not once has Joe ever suggested the Bucs get Vick or RGIII. Stop the lying.

  29. robert 9 Says:

    think you forgot an “e” in that sentence pubic enemy

  30. Publix Enemy #1 Says:

    I’m just having fun on Joes awesome site.

    Here’s the truth:
    I think Winston is 10x better QB prospect than Johnny Football.
    I’d be happy if we draft Winston but at the same time I’d be terrified
    about the potential for things to go South in a hurry as far as trouble with
    the law, etc.
    I also think that Joe is a very knowledgeable fan/media-pro but he seems
    to have fixation with QB prospects out of college.
    I say leave it up to LL&K.
    Whatever they do is fine with me.

  31. Publix Enemy #1 Says:

    @ robert

    I laughed out loud….although its really not a funny subject so I apologize.

  32. John Says:

    Joe was right about Lavonte David a couple years ago. Have to give him that. I’m hoping he is right about Winston. Personally I think he will be a good player if we have a line in front of him. Never liked Johnny Football. Mike Evans made him. Whoever the Bucs pick I will cheer for because I am a Bucs fan. GO BUCS!

  33. Keepitreal Says:

    Bunker9… Your always wrong. Welcome Jamies!! And Bunker we wil see if you are on this site after Thursday at 8..lol

  34. Keepitreal Says:

    So Bunker are you not a fan after they draft Winston??

  35. Hand Banana Says:

    “Yeah, I’m just a dog.” “All I know is Ball, and Good…

  36. Idontwannahearitanymore Says:

    You guys don’t ever give up. Time really slows down when you have to listen to the same crap day after day. Three more days – jeeeeshhh.

  37. bucfan593 Says:


    This isn’t Draft day the movie if we pass on Winston Tennessee laughs all the way to the podium with the winning lottery ticket.

  38. Brian D Says:


    Nobody is a “proven bust” after one season…ask Brett Favre.

  39. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    The only peace we’ll get is if Winston is not drafted by the Bucs. But he’ll be the pick, so it will still be force fed to us.

    But if you think the anti-Winston pepole will disappear, you are wrong. It’s par for the course.

  40. Joe Says:

    I think Winston is 10x better QB prospect than Johnny Football.
    I’d be happy if we draft Winston but at the same time I’d be terrified
    about the potential for things to go South in a hurry as far as trouble with
    the law, etc.
    I also think that Joe is a very knowledgeable fan/media-pro but he seems
    to have fixation with QB prospects out of college.

    That’s fair. Thank you.

    Yes, Joe is fixated on college QBs because the Bucs need one so, so, so bad and teams just don’t let good quarterbacks walk away. Therefore, the only way to get one (reasonably) is to draft one high and develop him.

  41. Joe Says:

    Nobody is a “proven bust” after one season…ask Brett Favre.

    The closest Joe ever saw to a “proven bust” after one season was the bad Dexter Jackson.

  42. port richey george Says:

    I have heard rumors that opposing teams fans are going to hold up giant plastic crabs in the stands when jameis is on the field. LOL

  43. rayjay1122 Says:

    bucfan593 Says:
    April 27th, 2015 at 3:21 pm

    This isn’t Draft day the movie if we pass on Winston Tennessee laughs all the way to the podium with the winning lottery ticket.


    I agree. That is why I said it was just fiction. Just firing out another scenario for silly season. But you are correct about what would happen if we do not snag QB at pick #1.

  44. port richey george Says:

    welcome to tampa bay jameis! you will have to have pete and shorty prepare a batch of extra large crab legs with melted butter for you while you are in the tampa bay area. home of the snow crabs…I mean bucs….LOL

  45. robert 9 Says:

    I heard the bed intruder song is slated to replace crazy train.

  46. robert 9 Says:

    they’ll have a “creepy crab” section with free crab legs via a special VIP hook up coupon

  47. robert 9 Says:

    bb guns will now replace the cannons

  48. robert 9 Says:

    and they’ll be replacing beer cups with ketchup cups with free refills

  49. robert 9 Says:

    their also changing to NO MEANS NO PARKING signs

  50. Bucfan4life Says:

    Wow, port richey George posted one of the lamest jokes I have ever seen on this site and then gave himself an LOL! They say a sense of humor is a sign of intelligence. Apparently George has a very low IQ. You’re embarrassing yourself with your corny sht that kind of makde me cringe in pity for you.

    Everyone on this sight knows Bobby is slow, but at least he was somewhat funny with his BB gun replacing the cannons post.

  51. Firethecannons Says:

    Hahaha Robert – well played

  52. #1OverallPick Says:

    Nice video..

  53. I'm tired and 87 is right Says:

    Bucs4life have you ever heard third time is a charm? Maybe Joe gets it right this year on Winston. Also to be fair you can’t judge Manziel after one season he might pull it together. One thing getting old is the crab legs story please find something new to talk about. You all sound like a bunch of immature kids, and maybe you are but us Bucs fans we are tired of hearing it. We only want people who support this team on this site. Whoever the Bucs select we live and die with the selection. That’s a fan. Trust and support your team. Also in regards to third times a charm last year I said maybe the third “Mike” we get it right, and with Evans it looks that way thus far. So again our time is coming and I’m ready to be a part of the success regardless of who we select. I am also extremely excited for the passion and talent Winston is bringing. Go Bucs!

  54. #1OverallPick Says:

    @ robert 9 i heard your t@mpon needs changing…

  55. Brandon Says:

    robert 9 Says:

    April 27th, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    I saw that fungi. some nice promo shots of him on the boat.

    think he can swim?


    Why wouldn’t he be able to swim…oh right, I forgot you were a giant racist. I see, you’re implying that because he’s black, he probably can’t swim.

    Can you please go root for another team, please? You are an embarrassment to Bucs fans everywhere.

  56. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    His tampon needs changing,now that’s funny.